My Entry to: "Pay It Forward Curation Contest - Week 4 - Win SBI & Steem-Bounty" by @thedarkhorse

The following is my entry to:

Pay It Forward Curation Contest - Week 4 - Win SBI & Steem-Bounty by @thedarkhorse



Voting Weight: 154 SP (356 - 201 SP) , Reputation: 51.1 , Age: 53 days

The following is recent post where he reminisce his past showing his work environment.


And, I know, I know ... the reputation score is more than 50, BUT, "Tiffany & Michael (51) - Faith, Hope, Love" on their profile - who can resist?

The posts are in Chinese and would be inappropriate for me t translate them since they are well capable of doing so if they so choose.

Please check them out as they are doing many wonderful things to bring their followers here and to grow here.

I discovered them at the same time that I entered and featured @coder-bts and they are the ones who interviewed this bright young man.

They, @honoru - Tiffany & Michael, are highly successful in their own right and space and they really do not need to gain anything from this contest. However, I am including them for everyone's benefit.

@bibliophile (36)

This is an very talented newbie and the following post has some very wise sayings about life:


人生在世,不可放弃的十件事 (10 things in Life that You Should Not Give Up)

01坚持阅读 (always read)
02欣赏美与艺术 (appreciate beauty and art)
03常怀感恩之心想要快乐,首先学会感恩。(always be thankful, to be happy, must first be thankful for blessing)
04 始终拥有梦想梦想不是年轻人的特权,而是应该延续一生的习惯,是精神世界的升华。(dream is not the exclusive rights of the young but continue to dream - it is the spiritual sublimation)
05 永远接纳自己诚实对待自己。(always accept yourself and be honest with yourself
06 珍惜并享受爱与被爱 (treasure [who / what] you love and [who] loved you)
07 关注健康健康是生命的最大资本。(take care of your health, [your] health is life's greatest asset)
08 养成倾听的习惯人类用很短的时间学会说话,却要用一辈子的时间学会闭嘴。(make it a habit to listen - people learn to listen in a very short time but spend a lifetime to learn to shut up [and listen])
09 与生活和解人生最艰难的功课之一,就是学会与生活和解。
(google says: One of the most difficult lessons in reconciliation with life is to learn to reconcile with life.
I say: Reconcile your life - one of the most things to work on is to learn to reconcile your life)
10永远心怀善意你现在所承受的,都是你起心动念所造。(always have good intentions. where you are and what you have are all results of your thoughts and intentions)

@bibliophile posted a lot and it is difficult to choose just one but this one contain such wisdom and is worthy of reading, translating, even just with

@xiangqi (36)

He posts videos about end-games of Chinese chess. Videos are illustrated in Mandarine Chinese, so, it will be difficult to evaluate him for rewards.


However, I am still featuring him to bring this game of Chinese chess to all to enjoy. All one needs to do is to learn the rules of the game and watch the moves - the video shows the alternate moves starting with those that do not work. Typically, moves start with the red side (white in the video).

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