My Entry to "Week 7 - Pay It Forward Curation Contest - Win SBI & Steem-Bounty" by @thedarkhorse

My Entry to "Week 7 - Pay It Forward Curation Contest - Win SBI & Steem-Bounty" by @thedarkhorse

I am submitting this entry for the purposes of "leveling the playing field" or in Chinese: "雪中送炭" - understanding the contest is looking for "Quality Posts", but we all (most of us) start from the bottom - low in SP and low in quality until we found our niche.
I might not have chosen the best bloggers or posts for my benefit of winning anything, but there bloggers and posts that are worthy of presenting for YOUR BENEFIT. So, if they do not qualify or if this entry do not qualify for any rewards, so, be it. No malice or malintent for featuring the second and third bloggers and posts.

1. @bowllanrifi

(Reputation: 26.13 , Age: 26 days)

Translation: A woman got married and did not return home for ten years until her mother’s 60th birthday. The mother says: I have been dead for ten years.

It is a novel in Chinese that talks about modern life in China. A girl got accepted to a university in Southern China, thousands miles away and then married a man there. Life created issues prevented her to return home for two years and then she just let it be and did not return home until her mother turned 60 years old. ... her mother's birthday cake needed 60 candles, but she said to only put 50 - because she has been "dead" [in her heart] for the past 10 years] ...

Please see partial translation below in my comment.

1. @cliff79(withdrawn)

(Reputation: 46.3 , Age: 35 days)

I first found @cliff79 from reading his post about a lost friend. However, it was not the best post to feature , so, I selected one that is more appealing to most people.Who doesn't love "wo/man's best friend?" https : @cliff79/mans-best-friend The writing is not particularly great or quality - he is from the Philippines - and although it is no excuse, it has been difficult to find quality posts that are not suspect.

2. @bala41288

(Reputation: 50.9 , Age: 151 days)

This is part of a series on leadership. I think that it is well written. The reputation score is on or past the borderline, but, I think it is worthy of nominating to benefit the readers.

It is a rather long piece and is also a part of a series, so, therefore, I am not going to paraphrase or quote anything as this will not help anyone.


3. @vasilisapor2

(Reputation: 54.9 , Age: 320 days)

As a nerd, a geek, a scientist and a Christian who believes that mathematics that governs what most called "nature" might be a message. Fractals is a fundamental mathematics that are highly complex and yet so simple at the same time - difficult to explain.

The creation of fractal art is a very time consuming task and is worthy of much more than 200 words. They are not like photographs or a painting. When I first venture into creating fractal drawing of much lower quality, it took the computer of those days (PC AT - 286) hours to create one simple picture.

In addition to the about qualification or justification, this blogger created fractal art to share.


3a. @angelacs

(Reputation: 45.4 , Age: 95 days)

Angie's Way Too Longggg Comments - #2 - Steemit As Transformation Powerhouse

This article is a part of a series and is to help steemians and therefore fits with my stated purposes. It also gives credit to a few of my friends here who are no strangers here either: @davemccoy @doomsdaychassis and many more ...

Footnote begins from here.

As I have said in various places - I am here to:

  • encourage
  • inspire
  • help
  • collaborate

and my areas of interests are:

  • health
  • wealth
  • technology
  • leadership

And, upvote is not required nor encouraged

Note to those with low SP (less than 50 SP) - Please Do NOT upvote. I would rather see meaningful comments than any upvotes.

Regarding upvoting with low SP, see: Your 2 Cent Vote is Worthless, The Real Deal on Dust Votes - @thedarkhorse

**For most newbies with low SP, 120 SP or less, your upvote does not pay IF it is the only upvote.

And upvoting

  • depletes your SP by 2% for each vote (same as resteeming a post)
  • regeneration of SP is at 20% per day

So, you get to vote 20% or 10 upvotes for low SP votes each day.

But, No Worries - Help is On The Way ...

Introducing Dustsweeper. A new service to turn Dust into Profit. - @dustsweeper

All the best! 🌀 🌊 🌋 🌄 🌈

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