I have finally decided to enter the Pay It Forward Contest. This contest is a great initiative that helps garners interest for blogs of Steemians that have a rep score of below 50. To enter you need to nominate two Steemians and create a blog post highlighting their blogs.
The Rules :
Curation Style Post of 2 Bloggers who are posting Quality Original Content
Link to 1 recent blog post per featured blogger.
Include a link to this contest in your entry post
The 2 bloggers you curate Must Be Rank 50 or Lower!
You need to comment with a link to your post, in the official topic
While I have plenty of followers that I would love to enter into this contest I am bound by the rules to pick two. This was no easy task as all my followers are very talented. So without further ado my first pick into this contest is @steven-patrick who has taught me more about flowers in the short period I have been following his blog then I have learned throughout my lifetime.
@steven-patrick has some great original photographs posted to his blogs in which I suggest everyone go check out. But for this entry I would like to focus on his new series of post in which he is trying to get to know the ecosystem around himself and then educates others about his findings in his posts.
His latest topic Elegant Brodiaea - California native wildflower has some amazing photos and a description to go along with them. His post also contains some other photos and descriptions of what he found on his journey. Below is a sample of his work.

The second Steemian I would like to enter is @starthere who is running a very interesting cryptocurrency experiment in which I can't wait to see the conclusion of. @starthere doesn't do allot of blogging but does update his followers once a month on his experiment. Check out his latest update by clicking the following link, EXPERIMENT - Top 10 Crypto "Index Fund" 2018.
The Experiment Rules :
Buy $100 of each the Top 10 cryptocurrencies on January 1st, 2018. Run the experiment 365 days. Hold only. No selling. No trading. Report monthly.
This weeks Pay It Forward Contest allows us to mention a community / initiative that has helped us in some way. For this portion of the contest I would like to nominate @newbiegames. This is a great community / initiative that has lots of different types of games / promotions for everyone. @davemccoy introduced me to the community and I am very happy that he did. Its easily one of the best tags on Steemit so don't forget to visit it from time to time.