I love finding new under-valued Steemians and this contest is a great excuse to find fabulous bloggers whose post aren't getting the attention they deserve. In case you aren't aware, the Pay It Forward Curation Contest is a weekly challenge from @thedarkhorse to find bloggers to promote.
This weeks two featured, undervalued bloggers follow...
I normally wait a day or two to finish my Pay it Forwad post because it often takes me awhile to find bloggers I really want to feature. This week, I've not had that trouble...
Selection #1 - @kurodevs
I am so excited to find this author on my dbooks Discord group!!! I've even managed to get him some exposure on the @asapers group as well. He still (just) fits the Pay-it-Forward criteria as he's still sitting at a Rep of 50 which is why I didn't want to lose any time in recommending him for this contest! (He only has about 3 days left until payout for this post, so be quick! - Hopefully, his next chapter in English will come quickly.)
Anyway, this is a very promising story about a girl/young woman who has spent a lot of time developing her own virtual world - except she was planning on visiting it with her father, who has, unfortunately, passed away. I love the attention to detail this author (Max Schmitt) has shown thus far and I'm waiting impatiently for the next installment. @kurodevs does post on other topics as well, but it's this story that's really caught my attention. In time - maybe a few chapters - I'd love to see him get a @curie reward.
Selection #2 - @fearless97
This post caught my attention this morning as I went through my @asapers Discord group.
The image isn't particularly flashy and I would like to have seen the image sourced better - and using a source like Pixabay (definitely free) rather than Quora (probably not free to use) . BUT I decided to forgive her this error this week for two reasons. 1. the Google image search was unable to find another match and 2. she added so much content to this picture!!!
@fearless97 tells us about the tragedy experienced in China after they decided to exterminate the sparrow - the one thing that was eating the locusts. Sparrows gone, locusts thrived and their crops did not. Excellent article!
@fearless97 writes about many things making us think about things we may not have thought about before. That's a pretty awesome thing in my book. I would like to see her put more depth into more of the articles, but I think she's worth following as I'm confident we will see great things from her in the future.
Bonus Entry - @asapers
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I've mentioned them several times in my post today.
Asapers is the Discord group that @lynncoyle1 introduced me to. She pushed me out of my comfort zone quite a bit as I applied for admission to this great group. (I'm not super keen on instant chats with lots of people - I'm actually quite a shy person in that environment!) But I'm so glad she pushed me in that direction!!!
Asapers is a mutually-supporting community. We upvote/comment on each other's posts in the process of asking for support on our own. It definitely helped push me out of the dust zone on my posts - something I desperately needed... and also helped get me my @curie reward almost two months ago! They have been instrumental in getting me more exposure and helping me get from rep 45 to my level 51 today!
If you haven't tried Discord yet and you're wondering what the next step is for developing your Steemit account, you can't go wrong by joining Asapers!
Lori – photographer at Viking Visual, author at A’mara books, student-of-the-world.
Banner by @shai-hulud