Hello again, dear Steemians!❤
In the past 2 weeks, I wrote about the places I visited during my very first solo travel experience. You can check these links if you missed them:
Superstarxtala Production #7: My Very First Solo Travel Experience (1/3) - Hello Gigantes Islands🏝🏝 Superstarxtala Production #10: My Very First Solo Travel Experience (2/3) - YOLO Iloilo, Hala Bira!💃💃Anyway, so here we are on the last part of this series where I will be writing mainly about what I think the most important thing in doing a “Solo Travel” is.
Most of us have this dream or have it as an item in our bucketlists to do at least one solo travel in our lifetime. We tell ourselves I’ll do it for my 25 th birthday, on my 30th birthday, or next year and then the year after. Thing is, we almost always end up delaying it, because of a number of reasons such as we are scared, the funds are still low, we don’t have the time yet, and the list goes on. I fear that one day, we all wake up 30 or 40 years later and our dream of travelling solo is still a dream.
I am not saying that we all pack our bags now, buy that piso-fare ticket , get on that plane and just be done with it. I am not saying either that I was so brave that I have done it already, because as I mentioned in my first post, this travel only happened by accident as I was originally supposed to travel with my friend. She knows that I’ve been wanting to do a solo travel, but I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. I actually planned on just canceling the trip as well and reschedule, because I was really scared and thought that I am not yet ready.
I realized that the most difficult part on this trip was actually the “Deciding-to-Go Part”. Our pessimistic minds will always give us an endless list on why we shouldn’t do that solo travel and believe me, we always tend to believe in what that part of our mind tells us. We end up telling ourselves we are not yet ready.
In reality, nobody is always 100% prepared or ready in doing things. There’s always a little probability, even the smallest probability that things might not work-out. BUT, we will never really know that we are already prepared unless we do it. Success rate will always be zero if we don’t do something. This doesn’t only apply to this travel, but I believe to most things in our lives as well. Just like what they say, the first step will always be the hardest. But as soon as you take that first step, you’ll surely get yourself moving.
I know that even after deciding that you’ll do it, we will still be afraid. That’s true, during my entire trip, I have always been afraid once in a while, but I didn’t let that fear take the fun out of my trip. I am just glad that I didn’t let my fear take over. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be able to write and share this to you.😊
So there’s my two cents worth of advice to everyone, JUST GO. I hope thay you find it helpful even just for a little bit.😉
And I’d just like to end this post with a quote from Mark Twain which I find to be very fitting for this post:
Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.
See you all in my next travel blogs!🤗

xoxo Tala😘