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10 words that attracts good luck!!!

In order to find the joy of life, to get rid of problems and achieve success, it is not necessary to put a Herculean effort. The main thing - to believe in their abilities and give yourself a positive attitude. This can be done using the power of the word.

Even in ancient times, people have realized that the words spoken with conviction and repeated many times, are able to exert a strong influence on the life and destiny of man.

It has been observed that the frequent use of words with a sharply negative value leads to the aggravation of problems, and, on the other hand, the prevalence of speech "positive" words gives a man such strength that he get out of the most difficult situations in life and achieves good luck.

Our wise ancestors used this observation to make plots really effective. A modern psychologists have confirmed the connection of what we say to our self-awareness and luck.

The point is that words often spoken by us, are deposited in the subconscious and are of particular reaction of the body, affecting our behavior and life in general. Therefore, if the problems do not give you peace of mind, it's time to think about what words you speak more often.

Here is a list of 10 words that will help get rid of the problems and bring good luck.


Yeah, good luck loves when her name was called. But using that word should be confident and only with a positive attitude. No "Oh, if I was lucky ...". Instead, say, "I believe that fortune will smile upon me today."


Happiness - that to which you aspire. Remind yourself of that goal every day and confidently look into the future: "I am sure I will achieve my happiness." By repeating this word, you zoom your goal to yourself, and after a while really feel happy.


The ability to love themselves and the world - a pledge of luck, who does not like stale people. Remind your friends say about your feelings, and do not be afraid to confess his love to the world. Say, "I love the world for its beauty and the opportunities it opens up in front of me." And the world will hasten to answer you in return.

The well-being.

The word consists of two parts, and if you rearrange their positions, we will see a combination of "obtain the benefit." If you often use the word, particularly if you wish prosperity to others, you really start to get the benefit of life and deploy to their luck.


If you make it out word for components, you get a combination of "give a blessing." Fortune turned its back on those who can only receive without giving anything in return. Therefore, for their success thanks - saying it was the word "thank you" - close friends, ideally the circumstances, those who gave you even insignificant, but the help, and the next time luck will not refuse you once again in his favor.


To all of your endeavors succeed, more often say that word. Thus you program yourself on luck and will achieve the desired.


Confidence - one of the basic senses fortunate people. If you believe in yourself, Fortune will give you a favor. The frequent repetition of the word will help you feel confident in their abilities, to convince himself in his own faith, even if at first you had doubts.


To the circumstances we were fortunate to trust life. Before an important thing for you often speak of confidence: "I have confidence toward life. I know that life's circumstances will in my favor "


Pawn luck - physical and mental health. Negative words, discuss the disease and the constant complaints about the state of health not only attract problems, but also worsen the condition of the body. But the word "health" in the positive combinations contribute to the fact that you will always feel good.


Hope causes a person to gather forces in a fist and move forward even in the most difficult situations. Say "I hope for the best", and luck certainly you will hear, and will justify the hopes.

Change your life for the better by using the right words. Your happiness - is in your hands. Let fortune always bestowed his favor you!


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