Painterly Surreal Nature Photography and Why You Should Go Outside!

I'm a bit of an introvert and a homebody. I sometimes don't leave my apartment for days at a time. I work from home and am obviously slightly addicted to Steemit, I don't go outside enough period and let me tell you my eyes are paying dearly from staring at the computer too much.

Today i went outside. Me and @vachemorte decided to take a walk to a little gem of a park near us called Parc Angrignon. We bumped into our landlord on the way out and we invited him to tag along. Here they are sitting under a gorgeous tree!

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We were staring at the water and chatting and the pond was so still it was like glass. It made a perfect reflection of the trees with just enough shimmer to make them look painterly and surreal. With the lilypads floating on the surface we realized if we were to take photos of the reflections and turn them upside down it looked like a painting of trees with UFOs or maybe jellyfish floating in the air!

Here is what it looked like rightside up:


And here are the upside down reflections:




I am so delighted with how these turned out! The clouds were also a dream, they were some of the fluffiest, juiciest clouds I've seen in awhile!


On the way out I decided to snap a few more photos because the view was so nice and the daylight was dimming a little.



To add a cherry on top of a beautiful outing, just at the exit I found these peachy keen tiger lilies:

All in all it was a beautiful day and it made me appreciate how much nature can be soothing. It really changes the pace of your day and looking at nature's dominant colours, blue and green, are said to alleviate depression and make us feel good. Enjoy the summer everyone and take advantage of what nature is offering <3

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