Lets get a Pocket wallet going!!

Incase you haven't heard there's a new kid on the steem block!! It's name is POCKET.
a sub token of the steemit platform designed by @biophil and released just recently.
Tokens are still free and available but not for much longer. Go here and follow the instructions.

So far the community has done a great job accepting pocket for what it can potentially become. So in an effort to grow the new POCKET token i am calling on all steemians to help by claiming your 1million free POCKET tokens.

I will also be accepting donations of pocket and sbd to create a pool of funds we can use to pay developers to help build what we need and make it functional.

We can have votes on what we need and what implementation we should put forth next.
Id like a wallet built into the steemit dashboard or something like that. Not sure what that would cost but collectively we could afford it.
Any growth you help create only increases the value of your holdings.

Leave some replys and lets get some discussion going. Any donation will be appreciated and will be 100% used for developing the token apps and add-ons. Maybe marketing if we get that kind of traction.

Please leave memo for any donation marking it for "Pocket development"

We have already seen case uses of pocket in its first week. Here are some great examples.

Very first Pocket auction just 4days ago!

Earned pocket by creating logo for PocketBook

Giving pocket and 5steem!

Pocket even featured on youtube!!

Another great logo paid for with Pocket

Another auction. 28 steem for Pocket!!

Probably even more. Thats huge for week 1.

So lets get behind this thing and keep building on it!!

Dont forget to resteem and tell everyone to fill their POCKETS

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