The Pockets giveaway is over. Now let's see what they're worth.

If you're looking to buy Pockets, please comment below with the amount you're looking for, and what you'll part with in exchange.

Those who want what you're offering will reply to your comment with the minimum amount they'll accept in exchange for those pockets.

Let's look at a few examples.


The Pocket sellers (the men in this example) will be competing with each other in a reverse auction within each comment, and the buyers (the women in this example) will be competing with each other from one comment to the next, to offer assets, currencies or services that will convince sellers to 'turn out their pockets'.

...But Matt, why not run it like a regular auction, where sellers bid up the pocket price for the offered item?

That's an excellent question, voice in my head.

Very few people have more than a million Pockets.
Not knowing how high any one auction might go, I didn't want sellers limited to bidding on just one comment.
This way, they're bidding on how little they'll accept for a pre-determined chunk of their Pockets.
They might make offers on a 500,000 Pocket comment, and five other 100,000 Pocket comments.
This way each deal stands alone, and they won't have to stop bidding in one comment in order to keep bidding in others.
That said, there's nothing stopping the parties from repeating the same transaction once they've established a price.

I'll be interested to see if any canny investors identify and exploit arbitrage opportunities, buying them low, then selling them high.

Offer anything you like, but please honour the deals once struck.

This is a beautiful place with a long memory.
Better to make lucrative friends than expensive enemies.

If you're not across the concept of Pockets, please see this post by the creator, @biophil, but be aware that the window has closed, and Pockets are no longer available to claim via resteem. Sorry if you missed out.

Kudos to @biophil for a brilliant idea, well executed.

I'm really interested to see what happens.

  • The bulls might suggest that in the long term, Pockets will come to have a cultural significance here, since they were only available for a limited time, while steem was in beta (a collector's item like these silver steem coins).
    Ironically, the less they circulate, the more true that will be.

  • The bears might say that since anyone can create a side currency like this as often as they like, that pockets have no real worth, and just clog up the blockchain.

Let's all find out together.

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