Sitting in a Garden [Original Poem]

I have no name,
other than that by which you call me.
I have no form,
other than that which your eyes behold.
My age is timeless, floating in the breeze.
My religion is that of love,
through which the mysteries and secrets
of reality unfold.
I come from nowhere,
yet everywhere
is my home.

You may define me
in the manner which you perceive,
that will be just as correct
as the true definition
as it is utterly mistaken.

I am neither alive,
nor dead; dreaming,
nor awake.
I bear a brilliant flame
of every color,
but every source of light
creates its shadows.

I am love.
I am hate.
I am you.
I am me.

Syntropic and entropic.
I am best known as
organized chaos,
chaotic harmony;
though few may know me,
the universe would not stand
without me.

Yet I humble myself before you,
and kiss your feet
as I wash away the pain of the day's walk.
You are my family;
You are my family.

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PALPABLE POPE Ypyskypo Skwyrl, the Y'sas
High Priest, Temple of Appled Thought
Alchemist for Trades

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