[POEM] - Ascension / ♪♫♬ Grand Symphonic Omega ♪♫♬| CREATE EPIC POEMS

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Ascension Over ♪♫♬ Grand Symphonic Omega ♪♫♬

For aeons man has sought ascension,
a trial and tribulation for the ages.
Endlessly toil for an ancient great labour
Handed down by tried old sages.

For all there is, and all there will be,
there's more than plenty to go around.
Heed the wise lessons of these teachers,
reverberations of the First Great Sound.

Shake loose that dense molecular facade
and put to bed those clung childish fears.
come experience the love, warmth and awe
all those come before you bask after and revere.

Existence is a vibration, a stern denial of Null,
All there is leaves behind an undeniable wake.
You're a harmonic ripple between dimensions,
upon which the very Universe has a stake.

Child of the Realms, go forth and seek the light,
bask in its' glory and receive of its' quintessence.
Spend a while in presence of a calmed mind,
render forth a greater you who'd bow in your presence.

You are limitless, eternal souls all but caught in a web
and the Great Sky Spider is everywhere, occupying your head.
The weave is a wicked pathway connecting the Worlds,
dangling from the World's Ceiling keeping the Spider fed.

In this life there is death, the Grand Symphonic Omega
all crescendos begin ready seeking their ends.
Seek out the bounds and limits of this World
and return to us someday soon, to recount it with friends.

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1 - Moonlight Butterfly
2 - Dandelion Seeds
3 - Abberation
4 - Thief's Song
5 - Queen of Tranquility


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