A Homage to the Power of Words.

Words are like magic spells.

I mean, think about it.

What do you do with words?

You spell.

Get it?

Okay, actually, you spell with letters.. but letters make words, and words are powerful.

In fact, one of the earliest definitions of magic is “the art of influencing events and producing marvels using hidden natural forces.”

And that’s exactly what words do.

Countless works of art, political movements, and belief systems have been used to influence entire generations and alter the course of human history, and at the core of these powerful systems are almost always defined by a central message, brought to life only through the use of words.

With the power to help and to hinder, to heal and to hurt, to humiliate and humble, words are arguably the most powerful force available to mankind.

A force we’re all capable of using, for better and for worse.

So when you speak, when you write, when you type, do so mindfully.

Do so honestly, with integrity and passion.

Let your words be a force for good in the world, and let those they impact be better off for it.

Because words are like magic spells

And we’re all capable of casting them.

Feel free to check me out on Medium : )

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