How I Approach Life / A Reminder For Myself And Observations


The more I focus on the inside
The more I understand the world outside
The quieter I become
The more I hear
The less visually turbulent my environment
The more clearly I see the world
The more I interact outwards
The more I lose myself inside
The more the small talk
The more energies I drain

When at a foreign place
I don’t know anyone
I wonder where exactly I belong
Still the more myself I become
I constantly change every day
And I am not a tree with roots to stay in one place
The world is mine just as much as everyone else’s
The borders were not made by me
I can’t be kept within artificial constraints

I love myself enough to say no
To everything that doesn’t serve me
I will not be a puppet of a system
That tries to swallow me
I am free to think my own thoughts
Free to live my life as I please
If there are no open doors in front of me
I will build my own doors as I go
On my journey ahead of me
I will not abide any rules
Only the ones I need to get me where I want to be

I want to choose my tribe wisely
I will let my intuition guide me
‘Cause it never lies to me
And if I don’t find anyone
I rather be alone then with the wrong ones
Puppets who worship tradition
But refuse ambition
Who talk about everyday practicalities endlessly
And live in their small minds
And live by dogma day and night
And die a fool

The more I understand
The more I want to destroy everything flawed
Within the world that surrounds me
The system that lies to me
And I hate that people don’t revolt
They don’t understand from their cushioned homes
They don’t question
They don’t fight
And their beliefs are essentially flawed by design

I am always ready to leave
There are countries behind me
I go wherever I want
Choice is beside me
Small minds left behind me
I am not a tree to stay grounded
I am free to go
I am not meant to stay within artificial constraints
The world is mine
Just as much as everyone else’s

The more I focus on the inside
The more I understand myself
And the transitory state of life
The more silent I become the more I hear
I can feel the fluidity of life
I am the master of my own reality
And my life is mine

Written by Nightcreature
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