Lithotherapy, 9. #0425

--Lithotherapy is a technique that uses stones to balance and harmonize your mind, your body, and your environment. See also #'s, 0333, 0338, 0343, 0354, 0363, 0368, 0373, 0379.
--That said, I may not be the best advocate of this method. In my natal chart is no Earth, except my IC, and variety of minor aspects. Due to time and latitude my Asc and IC are barely 60Ā° apart so although my Dsc is also in Earth, it has no aspects of major import either. However, since I was 'little brother' to a generation of hippies, and experimented on by many well-meaning šŸ˜€ young ladies, finding nothing to complain of their treatment, I learned any odd things from all over the globe in the sixties. This natural crystal is what I call my fortune stone, and has been with me many years, in money and healing practices. IMG20180324073628-01.jpeg
As you can see it is as thick as a finger and almost as long. IMG_20180324_073921-01.jpeg
If you have not ever seen a Bic lighter, the red garment is a water-polo goal-keeper's cap.
--It seems every civilisation throughout our history has used stones in a therapeutic fashion. Because of the properties of minerals, Aztecs, Native Americans, Chinese and Egyptians, have all used stones, for their vibratory properties and their magnetic powers.
--The memory of the world lies in the heart of stones. And here we find the secrets of healing, fortune, luck and success. At both a physical and psychic level man exchanges energies and balances with stones.
--To find a Fortune stone, one can fossik the geological landscape, or fossik the many crystal shops that abound nowadays in many cities. Do not just buy what is first seen, but (if you can handle several) one should feel comfortable in your hand. As mentioned in previous post you may come to have several small natural crystals, and maybe amethyst, amber, turquoise, ruby, sapphire, and/or other, for a variety of purposes. But one single natural crystal is going to be carried everywhere with you as your own personal Fortune stone in conjunction with a turquoise. These are found easily among those crystal shops in which you've been fossiking. If there seem no local shops, look for a lapidary club, listed under clubs and associations. Many fossikers and collecters gather there and polish or learn cutting and faceting. You may also find silversmiths at such clubs, also looking for stones.
--Our purpose is to :-
--Increase your income,
--Maximize your luck,
--Help you become more rich,
--Protect you from negative energies,
--Help you to succeed (more often),
--To become stronger (inner),
--Increase your energy,
--Show you how to circulate energy throughout your body.
--My notes show me they are focused on - 'the celestial blue turquoise', but practice has tokened me with four turquoise. The first was a silver pendant of Mexican light blue {celestial blue, perhaps}, and for many years I wore that, and it became my ritualized stone, and so as such was gifted to a woman then in need, and I'd like to believe it worked, for she is no longer in need and has gone on elsewhere to raise a family well and successfully. These three in photos are my present turquoise. The heart shaped one is ritualized for wear, obviously, and the egg shaped for in my pocket, jacket or jeans, while the small triangular stays in my money purse. IMG_20180324_181444-01.jpegIMG_20180324_184446-01.jpeg
--The Greeks call turquoise Kalos, and the Turks, Fayrus, which words both mean Fortune Stone. Holding a stone in the hand one can receive all the natural energies as the hand absorbs them and then spreads them all through the body. The method of use I will delineate further has been known to be efficaceous, and you will wish to follow it closely and increase your chances and abilities to gain a lot of money.
--The natural rock crystal depicted, if one were to see its magnetic field, is like an inverted pole magnet of iron. In the rock crystal the rays going in at the two ends are, for want of a better word the negative, and they proceed out of the centre of it's length in a 'positive' manner. A crystal like mine may be laid alongside an arthritic knuckle or other joint for five minutes and a definite benefit within the joint is felt almost straight away. Everything is energy. The entire Cosmos is based on an energy grid we only know and see parts of. Scientists have with Kirlian photography mapped the body and it's measurable energy field. They believe they can modify that energy that circulates us with certain exterior methods. Here we hope to teach you to circulate this energy in a balanced way throughout the body, and thereby increase this positive energy so that with practice you may achieve your objectives.
--So today, begin by using a 'garden' spray bottle or perfume bottle, and after filling with mineral water, spray the stones that you wish to work with. All over spray, then submerge in a clean bowl of fresh water. Let the stone infuse under the water overnight. To benefit best, prepare this before the full šŸŒ™ Moon and stand the bowl in the light of the Moon o/n. The next morning take stone from water and dry with a clean soft cloth made of natural fibres. That day put the stone somewhere in the rays of the sun to recharge with positive energy. That evening you will take time to meditate in a certain pattern which you may find is similar or same to practices you have done before, but I will include these methods because this step by step method has worked for many, and some who read this might have no ritual history or practice.

~ Cailleach-Oidhche ~ Owl.
--This the archetype of birds of the night and represents the ability to see all that cannot usually be seen, and to discover what cannot usually be discovered. About insight, intuition, and discernment. It also relates to our darker side, that dark side if reality and that in ourselves.
~ Luis ~ Rowan.
--Rowan or mountain ash is the most magical tree in the Celtic world-view. A protection against undesirable influences, it bestows an ability to see that which others cannot. It's energy is about making your own rules for life. It loves freedom and dislikes authority, and it reveals against conformity and repression. If these tendencies become excessive they might manifest as unpredictability, provocativeness, or lack of tact.
--''Beyond this time I cannot see
the future which will be
Beyond this place wherein am I
the past is but a lie
For what has been
is illusion seen
And what is to come
is future sun.
< Simon.T. >

''Breath May Blow Out A Candle, An Extinguisher Prevent šŸ”„ Fire.''

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