The Power of Community: The Benefits of Open Value Networks

ADSactly Daily

Thursday, July 27th, 2017.

An Introduction to Open Value Networks and the Power of Teamwork

The ADSactly Community is structured around the concept of an Open Value Network and we are extremely passionate about the idea of a cooperative community and member independence. Communities are the engines that keep projects running and implementing the right system will bolster amazing results in all aspects of your project.

Throughout history we have observed that the greatest achievements have been accomplished through teamwork. Whether it's navigating the Atlantic, defeating Hitler's regime or venturing to the Moon, group effort has propelled humanity forward is unimaginable ways. The use of teams and reliance on each others strengths is still relevant in today's world and especially in the world of cryptocurrencies, where community back coins are using teamwork to go head-to-head with big money backed projects, and winning. An Open Value Network is the best form of teamwork. By employing several value rewards for members of the network who contribute to the project in positive ways. Because of the wide array of tasks required to complete or even start a project, an Open Value Network can entice outside talent for it's fair and balanced reward system.

The benefits and drawbacks of an Open Value Network.

It is important to keep track of contributions to the project. Members may become disgruntled if they feel they aren't properly compensated, but thanks to the blockchain it is now easier than ever to record users actions and rewards on a public ledger. The reward system logs productive members contributions and places a (more often) monetary value for each task required to complete the project. The structure of an Open Value Network allows for members of all skill sets to contribute and be rewarded for it, leading to a healthier community and a positive outcome. As you can see in the above video, once companies move from open source to closed source it can cut off innovation. By choosing to keep a project open source not only can you build a more personal relationship with developers and enthusiasts but you can often times find 'undiscovered' talent as many talented individuals often voluntarily opt out of the corporate space in favor or more communal projects.

An example of an Open Value Network

ADSactly aims to be one of the leaders in implementing and maintaining an Open Value Network. The crypto space has been built around open source community projects. Some great example of coins with passionate communities are OKCash and Canada eCoin, two projects backed by exceptional and passionate communities. We encourage enthusiasts throughout the crypto space to get involved in a community project as more than just an investor. We truly believe that there is no better way to learn new skills, make friends, and build cool things.

Thanks for reading our article on Open Value Networks,
ADSactly Team

More information about Open Value Networks

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