Libertarians Are Badass

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Libertarianism (from Latin: libertas, meaning "freedom") is a collection of political philosophies and movements that uphold liberty as a core principle. Libertarians seek to maximize political freedom and autonomy, emphasizing freedom of choice, voluntary association, and individual judgment.

Sounds good right? The definition doesn't give you much idea of what Libertarians are actually like. In reality they are quoted as saying things like, "taxation is theft," while constantly advocating less government intervention. Libertarians are normally into things like homesteading, hunting, and general self-sustainability. They have a big emphasis on privacy and non-interference.

I'm not a libertarian but I always seem to get along with them. They're always off growing their own weed and trying to build their own lives from the ground up. Cryptocurrency is very appealing to Libertarians because it gives back control of currency to the people. The privacy-centric aspects of crypto are especially appealing to a libertarian. In particular, I wanted to talk about one libertarian that I just read about.

Daniel Alves Fraga

Former Brazilian Youtuber Daniel Fraga has his passport revoked. Why? Because he lost several court cases for slander and "moral damages" and refused to pay up. Instead he "simply" dropped off the grid. What a baller.

Daniel was telling citizens to put their money into Bitcoin as far back as 2012 when a coin was $3. He's obviously a millionaire now.

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He even taunted the judge by saying:

Good luck accessing my Bitcoin portfolio.

This guy was fully prepared to drop off the grid at a moment's notice, and cryptocurrency has made that possibility much easier for him. Notice how he says, "Bitcoin portfolio." This guy obviously has multiple hedges with money all over the place.

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So what were the slanderous things Daniel was spouting that landed him in this position? Simply Youtubing about how taxation is theft is the prime source of his plight. He started attacking individual auditors calling them:

The worst bandits in existence, and a bunch of tie-wearing thieves looking to steal from the people.

I guess targeting the IRS with scrutiny is against the law in Brazil. This is a bad sign for freedom of speech, but a pretty amazing sign for crypto. Already Daniel has been underground for over a year without being detected.

I think it's funny that they revoked his passport. As if a determined Bitcoin millionaire can't buy their way out of the country. Also, Brazil is a big place. How are you going to find him when he uses all his resources to stay completely off the grid; using only crypto and cash to interact with it anonymously.

I think it's stories like this that should give us hope that in fact cryptocurrency can provide us the freedom from oppressive governments that we so desire. Good ol' libertarians at it again showing us how it's done.

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