The Power of Desperation


Individuals are much more likely to engage in risky behavior when they have nothing to lose or when positioned in a catch-22 situation where no positive outcome exists. What do you choose? The rock, or the hard place? People who live in destitute neighborhoods are more likely to join a gang or turn to a life of crime. People who get cancer will spend everything they have and more to try to get better.

The establishment preys on this desperation. The weak, poor, and undisciplined don't stand a chance. You had no money in your bank account so here's an unjustifiable $30 overdraft fee. You couldn't afford a competent lawyer so now you're going to a private for-profit prison. Your country has a weak military and rich resources; we'll take them off your hands.


Stealing from the poor is fine; stealing from the rich has severe consequences. This is the unspoken theme of the elite. How many times are incompetent and greedy corporations going to get bailed out by tax dollars? The people in charge double-dip on their own "rewards pool" by granting themselves unjustifiable bonuses and then crying to the government for help. No one was brought to trial for the 2012 financial crisis even though these jackals were transparently exploiting the system and caused it to happen.

Meanwhile, the military industrial complex continues to engage in endless warfare. Private corporations and powerful individuals gets a say of who lives and dies and at what cost. Who cares that it cost $2.4 trillion worth of taxes to wage the Iraq and Afghanistan war when it made your company rich? Thanks Big Oil.

Has AIDS/cancer not been cured yet because chronically ill people are more profitable? Some people believe this. In some respects, the truth doesn't matter here. Simply the fact that this could even be a possibility is terrifying. What kind of world do we live in?


Why do these mafia movies have so much popularity? Deep down everyone knows that these are the people in charge. The world is ruled by idolized mobsters. The law is for suckers; they're above the law; they create the law. Politicians are puppets and they dance for payouts. There's something about this that fascinates and terrifies us. You have to be willing to risk everything and win to get on top. You have to be willing to do anything.

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No taxation without representation. It's all about the money. America broke away from England in 1776, but the apple didn't fall far from the tree. Since then America has engaged in the same imperialist behavior as Britain. They taught us well. We've created system upon system of subjugation, submission, and artificial scarcity. Anyone who fights back is, "jealous of our freedom" or "hates democracy". We're bringing fairness and justice to those ungrateful godless heathens.

As a citizen of The Blockchain, I call out to the community to make the best of a bad situation. The chickens are coming home to roost. The current model of debt-based world economy is completely unsustainable. Cryptocurrency is a threat to the establishment, but they can't get rid of it because they don't have another solution. The Blockchain is slowly going to chip away at the systems of invisible chains we've put in place. It's a highly disruptive technology and many power grabs are going to take place.


The Blockchain is viewed by most as an incredibly risky and volatile market. The sad thing is, there are many countries out there who's currency is so inflationary and corrupt that crytpocurrency is viewed as the safest option. Some can't even access or trust local banks.

Desperate times call for desperate measures.

We can use this desperation to our advantage. Who's going to work harder and with more conviction: Someone who has everything they need, or someone starving from artificial scarcity? We pay farmers to not grow food to keep prices up, and there are more empty unused homes than there are homeless. One of these days, these insults are going to be rectified.

Cryptocurrency is a worldwide revolution. It stands to reason that it can raise us all up at the same time. This means that people in worse conditions have more to gain from this disruptive technology. Business models that were previously impossible to implement will soon become commonplace.

Blockchain developers need to think about how we can take this idealistic proof-of-brain theory and turn it into an enforced reality. The honor system isn't good enough. Dishonor breeds dishonor and one bad actor ruins it for everyone. This is why we can't have nice things.

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