A Get to Know You Challenge - Twelve Questions

Apparently my sister, @shadowspub, wants to get to know me a little better or she's picking on me....you choose. @ameliabartlett suggested we all answer a 12 question questionnaire that was part of (her other half) @hobotang's introduction post. Thanks for that....now it's a challenge.

1. What 3 meals would you have before heading to the International Space Station?

Breakfast is easy. A toasted bacon and tomato sandwich, a cup of Earl Grey tea and a fresh berry salad.

Lunch would be lobster and salad with strawberries, beets and arugula. Well....a really large lobster and extra strawberries in the salad.

Dinner...that's a hard one. @shadowspub made it difficult not to say Apple Cinnamon Spareribs but I think a nice thick bbq'd steak, grilled Italian salad and strawberry shortcake for desert. (I wonder if I could smuggle berries into the Space Station?)

2. What section of the newspaper would you be?

Hands down I'd be the comics. Not because I think I'm funny but because there's always weird things going on in my life...LOL!! Mostly these are self inflicted adventures.

3. If you were immortal, what age would you choose to stop ageing at and why?

I would be 36. It's a good age....you're still pretty young but old enough not to be discounted as "just a kid".

4. What sport would you compete in, if you were in the Olympics?

Ummmm....... if you know me this is an easy one: KAYAKING!

5. If you had to go back in time to live the rest of your life where/when would you go?

Hard question. If I could go back in time and know what I know now it would be the birth of my daughter.

If I had to go back without my current knowledge I'd stay where I am. You kidding?? Some things should only be experienced once!

6. If time and money were no barrier what would you create?

If you are a Trekkie then you will recognise this: A society that has abolished money and poverty. No one goes hungry and all your basic needs are covered. Imagine how free you would be to follow your dreams? Call me crazy but this Utopian society would have to be very hard on crime. Seriously, when you have all that you need there is no excuse.

7. Have you ever completed anything on your bucket list?

Most of us participated in the Bucket List Challenge but before that I'd never had a bucket list. So no, I've never completed anything from my bucket list.

8. What would be the most surprising scientific discovery imaginable?

Imagine if we had a gene that could be activated to prevent all diseases? No, neither can I...that's why it would be so surprising. But this could be both a curse and a blessing. If no one died until a very old age then how would our poor planet support us all?

9. Are you a good witch or bad witch?

Depends on the day. Most days I'm a good witch. I strongly believe in "Do no harm" and live by this law. It's not always easy but I try my best and after all Karma has my back.

10. If you had to teach a class on one thing, what would you teach?

Respect! Not how to earn it or demand it but how to give it. When you think about it RESPECT is a powerful word. Respect for ourselves, others, and the planet has always been sadly lacking. If we could open our hearts to understand and learn about those who are different from us this world would be a much better place. And then I'd teach everyone to knit! I'd work it in there.

11. Which band / artist – dead or alive would play at your funeral?

Disturbed! I want a Viking funeral so I think this hot powerful voice would be perfect!

12. What book, movie read/seen recently you would recommend and why?

I recently ran out of books to read on my phone so @shadowspub reminded me of the Gutenberg Project. Talk about going down a Rabbit Hole... (I think @thekittygirl should trademark that saying).

I've read several of these oldies now but the one that stands out is Jack London's "Call of the Wild". I identify with Buck. This poor dog is yanked out of his safe life and thrown into a hostile environment where he is forced to succeed or die! Sound familiar? Not only does he succeed but he thrives and finds his "true" self.

DONE! This was harder than it looked but most of these challenges are. My victims will be:


Until next time friends...

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