When I saw the 12 Questions thing going around, I just HAD to jump on board. In recent weeks, I've gained a lot of new followers, so here's a great way for you all to get to know me better. In case any of you are curious about the 12 Questions Challenge, the original post is by @hobotang.

- 1- What 3 meals would have before heading to the International Space Station?
Well, first, I would need to know the nature of my visit to the International Space Station. If I'm going to be exploring simulations with zero gravity, I think a light meal might be best. If I'm going to be sitting around for some conferences, then I'm going to need a meal with lots of protein. If my visit is to get me off the planet, then I'm not going. You're not removing me from my home. I have a connection with this natural beauty we call Earth.
- 2- What section of the newspaper would you be in?
Headlines! Binky does it again! And it was Rosie-approved. Hopefully it has to do with some success about my book or vids.
- 3- If you were immortal, what age would you choose to stop aging at and why?
Well, if I had the choice, since I can't look younger, I'd stop now, but you should know by now that we elves lost our immortality long ago when Fen'Harel locked the Evanuris up in the Fade and created the Veil XD
- 4- What sport would you compete in, if you were in the Olympics?
Talking. Oh, wait, something more physical? Ballroom dancing. I used to take classes, ballroom, lating, hip hop. Sadly with the burnout I've not been able to dance in years. I'd like to take it up again some time.
- 5- If you had to go back in time to live the rest of your life where/when would you go?
I might want to try living in the medieval times, but seeing as I'm very concerned with cleanliness, it's probably best I stay right here where the sanitary conditions are a bit better and there are functioning toilets. I don't do outhouses.
That being said, if I could take my camera and take pics and vids of dragons and then return, then I would, but if it's for the rest of my life, I think right here and now is fine.

- 6- If time and money were no barrier what would you create?
Everything I'm creating right now. It might just go more quickly because I would have the financial resources to help me along.
- 7- Have you ever completed anything on your bucket list?
Yup. I don't remember everything that was on there because it has changed over the years as I evolved and changed too. But I got married and I healed depression. Next up on the list is publishing SD (that's its initials, and I will reveal all in due time).
- 8- What would be the most surprising scientific discovery imaginable?
It would not surprise me but might surprise most of the world, that magic is real and that dragons did exist, because they did, you know ;)
- 9- Are you a good witch or bad witch?
Definitely a good Witch, although I don't consider myself a witch per se. I don't practice spells and rituals in the same way, but I use divination and brew/poultice making for healing, guidance, decision making, understanding, and protection.
- 10- If you had to teach a class on one thing, what would you teach?
Lore. Everyone needs to know certain lore lol And the lore I would teach would be Dragon Age lore, Lord of the Rings lore, and Star Wars ORIGINAL Expanded Universe lore. Forget Kylo Ren and the new films. Let's talk about Revan in the Old Republic, let's talk about Luke's Jedi Academy and the Yuuzhan-Vong, let's talk about Ben Skywalker, you know. The Jedi who REALLY matter.
- 11- Which band / artist – dead or alive would play at your funeral?
Why would I want a band playing at my funeral? I want to jam with the Offspring NOW, today, as in BEFORE I die! :p
- 12- What book/movie read/seen recently you would recommend and why?
Uhm, mine? Like total self-promo, I know lol But it's not out yet. I plan on publishing in October, and the reason is it's a new world of lore and magic and dragons. It's bound to appeal to people who like Lord of the Rings, Dragon Age, Harry Potter, or even Star Wars. It has a few occult symbols, it has relatable characters with whom you can grow, it has a whole new system or lore and history never seen. It does NOT include humans, elves, dwarves or aliens; it has its own beings, so it's a bit of never-before-seen, but also a bit of archetypes-we-like-and-want. I promise I will reveal all very soon. My cover artist wrote to be saying she had the final scans of her painting. Like, next week I think I might have the files. Once I have the files, I', sharing and revealing the title, the log line and a bit of lore.