Podcast Hosts: here's why you need to be using Podping NOW!

Live updates of Podcasts on Podping

If you run a Podcast Hosting company you need to know about @podping. Podping fixes WebSub for podcasting and moves instant notification of updates to a whole new level.

Podping is going to reduce your bandwidth and power bills and make your Podcast customers see their Podcasts update in real time across a growing range of apps.

Podping is in live beta with these hosts:

Podcast Index no longer speculatively polls these hosts: only shows which are notified in Podping have their RSS feeds checked and updates are visible to any app using @podcastindex within a few seconds.

Podping is a very simple system that lets you send ONE tiny GET request whenever a podcaster updates their show. That GET request containing simple the URL of the show's RSS feed will be taken in by @podcastindex and written almost immediately onto the @hive blockchain.

Any podcasting index, player or any form of podcast aggregator merely has to "watch" the Hive blockchain for a specific type of transaction and then initiate a polling operation on the RSS feeds that are on the Podping Hive stream. Once set up they can stop speculative polling of all the feeds you host!

That's the system in a nutshell. If you want to see it running in your browser right now, look at these:

If you want to know how to start using the system, get in touch with Dave Jones at PodcastIndex.org

Podping makes use of the decentralized and stable Hive Blockchain which has been running for more than 4 years (with a name change last year). The economics of Hive make this use entirely practical and means PodcastIndex can offer this service to all on a Value for Value basis. If this makes your business more profitable in some way, consider supporting this open source effort with whatever value you get from it.

For a more detailed explanation of Podping and Hive start here. All the code is open source on Github.

There's a companion explanation of Hive to be found here.

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