Splinterlands Validator License Hosting Service On Peakmonsters!

Good morning Splinterfriends!!


A long long time ago...


I bought some Validator License Nodes to help verify the Splinterlands Block Chain aka SPS Chain aka Splinterchain aka...


Ok... maybe not 2 Chainz... but anyways... I bought in during the Tranche 1 event... because the Rewards looked great and I thought $SPS was headed UP!


Ahhhhhh yes... #pushandshove at its finest... I could only afford 1 at the time and thought I missed out... snagged 1 more at Tranche 2 with Vouchers and my next payday...

Thought I really missed out...

Then this happened...


Prices dropped and the hype cycle... well... cycled... so I was able to pick up a few more over the years...


Over time there was a bunch of Splinterdrama... and the Splintering occurred IRL... and all seemed lost... well not that bad... but the shit did hit the fan...

And the Validator Nodes sorta dropped off the radar... and much like the One Ring... they were forgotten for like 2,000 years or something... until one day... the Validator Nodes found a new bearer...

It's been long, slow, salty recovery... but we've been recovering... and the Node project was suddenly kinda slightly off to the side of the Spotlight... but hey!!!

JPTR has finished, the testing is done and NODES ARE LAUNCHING!!!


Now... I am rubbish at coding... and I bet if I really REALLY put in the effort... I could rent a server... pull the github stuff... launch the Node and all that... AND I STILL MIGHT...

But... Over the past few weeks... I was asking around the Splinterlands Discord if there was going to be a "Node Hosting Service"... well guess what...

@asgarth @jarvie and the gang over at @peakmonsters have done exactly that 😁


As of today, you can go to https://www.peakmonsters.com and if you want to stake your licenses and earn rewards, just like in the old days... without the hassle of renting a server and all that... check out how easy this is...


Shortcut: https://peakmonsters.com/@captaindingus/licenses

Obviously you'll need to put your name in where my name is... unless you just want to go stare at my License page... for whatever weird reason...


Anyway... the walkthrough is very easy to follow and takes like... I dunno... 30 seconds?


But... let's do this together, shall we 😃

Step 1: Click "Manage Your Licenses" and you will be taken to this screen...


This is your Validator License Dashboard in Splinterlands... it is found in the same screen as SPS Claims... and the direct link is here:


Step 2: Click "Activate Licenses" on your License Dashboard...


Step 3: Go back to Peakmonsters and Grant Posting Authority by clicking the Blue button...


Step 4: Support their node by... you guessed it... clicking the Blue button...


Step 5: Sign up for their Hosting Service - which is 100% FREEEEEEE for the first SIX Weeks - April 15th!! Once again - Press. The. Blue. Button.


Step 6: It is NOT to Sit Back and Enjoy Rewards... you might be tempted to think it is... but... we must revisit Step 1 again...

Click on "Enable Validator" after your Licenses are Activated!!!!


Asgarth, Jarvie - I personally think this should be broken into two separate steps as this was the only "tricky" bit...

I would put "Activate Licenses" on Splinterlands Dashboard as Step 1 and then in a separate breakout put the "Enable Validator" button as Step 2... then bump the numbers up in Steps 2-5 to correspond...

But that's just me - it was an easy process and really simple but I actually missed the "Enable Validators" step as I was setting it up and only noticed it as I was typing this guide...

It is the only "Step Breakout" that has two buttons and that's my feedback on it.

All in all it was a ridiculously easy process to follow and took me longer... much longer to type this... than to set up and activate my Licenses!

You guys are rock stars!! Thank you for everything you do for Splinterlands and the players!


Hope everyone enjoyed this and I hope it made it even super duper easier to do!!

Oh... and if you don't have any Validator Licenses... you can buy them on Tribaldex or Hive-Engine:



Make sure you're buying "LICENSE" though and not something else!

Anyways... I hope that helps!!

I may end up setting up a Node after all... and if I do... you know I'll write up a Step by Step Guide for the Programming Illiterate lmaooooooooo

Peace out Girl Scouts!!

That's all I have for you today folks!! Thank you for reading and I would LOVE for you to join me in game!!


Naturally, after everything leading up to this moment, I believe Splinterlands and Soulkeep are some of the BEST web3 games out there!

They bring the #play2earn feature to the forefront of development as well as many opportunities for people to earn rewards - whether Player or Investor!!

If you're interested in the future of gaming, it's worth checking out!

You can sign up here: Splinterlands

Cheers 🍻,

  • CaptainDingus

Until Next Time.png

#Splinterlands #Validator #License #Node #Hive #Soulkeep #play2earn #web3 #NFTGaming #Rebellion #Conflicts #TowerDefense

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