One thousand in two comma five

Pud ahead Mar 2021.gifMy first ever gif created in Canva

Two months into 2021 and the third is rapidly approaching. As is the third Power Up Day of the year. For me, on the blockchain, and this year and particularly in the last week, I hit two milestones. I announced them in this tweet: 800 posts, and 4,000 HP.

Adding 10+ HP a day

More important, in some ways, is how my account has grown since I powered up in December 2020, and I wrote about my 3k HP journey never thinking that in just over two and a half months, my account would grow by a massive one thousand HP - just over 13HP a day. For me, that is huge. This means, that if I continue in the same vein, I could reach Dolphin status during the course of May 2021 rather than September as I had initially planned anticipated.

How have I done it?

Firstly, and importantly, for those folk who feel pressurised into using hard-earned fiat to buy Hive, I did not. I have, occasionally, and only once since the pandemic struck, used my liquid HBD to buy Hive. Every little bit of HP in my account is the result of my efforts in and around the Hive.

Secondly, I took advice from people I trust on the blockchain and secondly, I worked. I walked my own talk - especially in the last three months. Diligently. I summarised my strategy here, but it's worth repeating:

  1. I post regularly. I try to post every day. I try not to do what I consider really sh*tposts. Each generally has at least 150 - 200 words and a photograph or two; they really are a (web)log or diary of events in and around my life. I do like longer, more reflective posts, but those take a long time to do - usually as much as 8 or 9 hours (plus research in some instances and re-drafting).
  2. I comment on posts that resonate for me. I don't do as much of this as I'd like for reasons I've explained. What I always do is reply to comments on my posts and reply to replies. Not ad nauseum, but until the conversation reaches its logical conclusion.
  3. I do make use of a fan base. Because I am AFK and I have a select bunch of accounts I like supporting for a range of reasons and which enables me to curate. I do update it from time to time, adjusting the accounts, the size and frequency of the vote.
  4. I have delegated to accounts that give me a daily return; and finally
  5. As time allows, I participate in initiatives and competitions that can potentially earn me Hive.

Is my strategy going to change?

The honest answer? I'd like to continue as I have, but I have to be realistic. I am, happily, much more occupied with work that is (and will be) earning me a regular income. If I can keep up my now customary post between 5 and 6 am, then I shall. If I can devote some of my down time over the weekends to writing, I shall. I am not sure we'll be doing Sunday Suppers again. For a while. If ever.

As an aside
Those Hiveans who have said they'd like to "do" a Sunday Supper @ The Sandbag House, I'll give you the same answer as I give locals who ask: Covid permitting, with enough warning and a minimum of four diners, we'll host you in a heartbeat. We loved that nearly three year journey. I, more than The Husband. Although with hindsight, his view is a lot more rosy....

Back to the real question, I do anticipate that my level of engagement and posting - because of demands from my new gig - may drop off. For a little while, at least, and as things settle. However, I have no intention of abandoning either the blockchain, my blogpals or my commitment to Hive Power Up Day. It was this initiative, originally started by @streetstyle, that really made me begin to pay "proper" attention to what I was doing. That @traciyork, along with @victoriabsb and @hivebuzz, has taken to another level is testimony to the foundation he laid. Eighteen months ago, I'd never have imagined that I'd be sponsoring prizes. But here I am.

Oh, and here are links to the various announcements -

  • In English from Traci
  • In Spanish from Victoria
    From the HiveBuzz team lead by @arcange, and which you will find shared through their various language accounts, too.

Which brings me to -

Some changes to my criteria for redfish to be eligible for delegations after participating in Hive Power Up Day

I have, for the past few months, delegated a total of 300HP to three little fish accounts that participate in each month's Power Up Day. The criteria that have applied for the past few months have been that the accounts should be

  1. less than 6 months old
  2. less than 59 rep
  3. less than 200 HP before powering up on the first of each month
  4. must have at least two qualifying posts since the first of the previous month.

If you've followed my #HivePUD delegation attempts, you'll be familiar with the oft-used expression slim pickings. You're probably also familiar with that expression often attributed to Einstein that repeating the same action and expecting a different outcome is nothing short of insanity. Or words to that effect...

I am, therefore changing two of the criteria, bearing in mind that my intention is to support people who, like me, have only their own efforts to invest in Hive.

What stays the same

That the base criteria are the same as set out in Traci's post, does not change.

And accounts must

  • be less than 6 months old
  • have at least two qualifying posts since the previous power up day. Posts that qualify must have 200 words or more and exclude posts for Power Up Day, and Actifit.

As a reminder, the reason I added the second criterion is because -

Hive is a social blockchain: it's for socialising, ruminating and just generally hanging out.

What changes

Accounts must have

  • a reputation of less than 61
  • not more than 500 HP in their accounts before they power up - both on the first of the month

What is Hive Power Up Day?

If you've been stuck somewhere in a cell in the Hive for the last while, or you're a noob recently arrived redfish, here's a reminder and mostly in Traci's own words -

On the first day of the month...
• ...we ask that everyone who can do so, power up any amount of HIVE they are holding on the first of the month.
• ... we ask accounts that are currently powering down to please pause the powerdown during the hours of the first of the month.
• ... we ask that those who are trading and/or selling Hive, not to do so during the hours of the first of the month (and if possible, cancel any type of sell order on any exchanges for the same hours).

To qualify for prizes

Your reputation must be above 39 and below 70.
Your total Hive Power (before the 1st) must be more than 100 and less than 8000.
You must power up at least 10 Hive on March 1st.
You must write a post about your power up on March 1st with the tag #HivePUD (International) or #HPUD (Spanish).

With that, I hope you will join me powering up on 1 March 2021.

Until next time, be well
The Sandbag House
McGregor, South Africa

Photo: Selma

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  • If this post might seem familiar, it's because I'm doing two things:
    • re-vamping old recipes. As I do this, I plan to add them in a file format that you can download and print. If you download recipes, buy me a coffee. Or better yet, a glass of wine....?
    • and "re-capturing" nearly two years' worth of posts.
  • I blog to the Hive blockchain using a number of decentralised appplications. From Wordpress, I use the Exxp Wordpress plugin. If this rocks your socks, click on the image below to sign up -

  • Image: @traciyork
    • I also share my occasional instagram posts to the crypto blockchain using the new, and really nifty phone app, Dapplr. On your phone, click the icon below, and give it a go.
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