Best way to sign up for a Hive crypto account

Direct from the desk of Dane Williams.

The best way to sign up for a Hive crypto account is via

Are you looking for a free HIVE crypto account?

All you need to do is follow the steps below.

Step 1:

Go to and click the sign up to LeoFinance button.

Step 2:

Click on the Create a Hive Account button and Continue.

Step 3:

Choose your username, click Twitter verification, Download Keys (IMPORTANT!!) and finally click Continue.

Step 4:

You'll be asked to Authorise the app and just like that, you've now signed up for a Hive crypto account.

Step 5

Click the Log in Button, enter your username and copy/paste your Posting Private Key into the LeoAuth box.

You can now start posting on Threads and using your Hive wallet as you see fit.

Why sign up for a Hive crypto account?

One of the coolest things about this blockchain is that your wallet address is simply your username.

On Hive, there are no long, confusing strings that you need to remember or have stored so you can copy/paste them when required.

All you need to remember is your @ username.

I’m sorry to say it, but Hive is notorious for making things harder than it should be.

If a search on how to sign up for a Hive crypto account has led you to a page called HiveOnboard, then close it right now.

It’s complicated and it doesn’t work.

Just close it.

You see, people don’t care about the tech behind new Hive accounts.

They just want one.

And they want one now!

As a result, the best way to sign up for a Hive crypto account is via LeoFinance, using the steps I've outlined above.

Best of probabilities to you.

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