Mining Rewards.
I admit that 1.06 LEO per hour sounds tempting, especially as a passive income, but things aren't usually as easy or promising as they sound. I admit that I am not familiar with this concept beforehand and my calculations and the information I have gathered may or may not be accurate, but I will share things from my perspective and from my understanding. This is obviously not financial advice or whatever.
I remember hearing about LEO mining long before I decided to dip my toes on LEOFinance and therefore I can imagine being late to the party. I still have much to learn about LEOFinance, but one thing that caught my attention almost immediately when I started to look around was this:

Even though I am not sure if this is truly accurate or if there are some glitches remaining after the lastest hardfork, I will assume this is in fact true. The 1.06 LEO per hour doesn't seem to be a set amount judging by this.. Meaning, you can earn more than 1.06 LEO per hour, if you are winning the mining round..(?)
I found a post about "How to Calculate Mining Rewards" published one year ago.
In that post, you can see this:
- The mining rounds are every 1 hour
- 30 winning miners are chosen
So, my first impression were that there would be 30 different winners, as in 30 different users, but as this isn't really stated anywhere, (I admit that I didn't spend much time trying to find any information about this), I suppose it actually means exactly what is stated. That there are different miners winning.
Two Different Miners

Screenshot From Hive-Engine.
LEOM is the basic or standard miner. LEOMM is a miner that mines 4x as many LEO tokens as the standard LEO Miner. At the current prices you get 7.36 LEO miners for the same price as 1 LEOMM, which gives you 3.36 more miners for the same price. Again, I'm not sure this is accurate, but judging by this, it does seem like the standard miners are worth going for in case you're interested in mining, as this whole mining thing is about total stake. So, the type of miner shouldn't make any difference in that sense.
Anyhow, according to what's stated above, about 30 miners winning per hour, you should be able to win on all your miners if you had 30 miners. In theory.
I understand that it's practically 0.0% chance of that to ever happen, but in theory, it should be able to happen. That actually explains the 3 mining rewards I showed you previously too. Miners are winning and not users.
More miners will obviously increase your chances to win. Just like a lottery. The more miners you have the higher win percentage you get. From my understanding, there is 150,000 LEOM miners circulating and 15,284 LEOMM miners.
Calculate Mining Rewards
As I am eager to be part of LEOFinance.io, I wouldn't mind having some miners working passively to put some LEO in my wallet.. But before even thinking about risking my money, I have to crunch some numbers..
LEOM mining Power = 150,000
LEOMM mining Power = 15,284 X 4 = 61,136
Total Mining Power = 150,000 + 61,136 = 211,136
When you calculate the chances to win a mining round you do it like this:
Staked mining power / total staked mining power.
So, in case I had 100 LEOM, it would look like this:
100 X 100 / 211,136 = 0.0473%
That is the win percentage I would have with 100 LEOM.
With 1000 LEOM, you just move the decimal.
1000 X 100 / 211,136 = 0.473%
Less than 0.5% chance to win a mining round with 1000 miners. That's an investment of 4480 Hive, as long as the price would stay at 4.48 Hive per 1 LEOM.
However, there are 24 mining rounds per day, with 30 winning miners each round.
That makes it a bit easier, I suppose?
30 x 24 = 720.
Using that simple math, if my calculations are right, you would have a total of 720 chances to win 1.06 LEO per day, at 0.473% with your 1000 miners.
I guess that could be enough for some people, but I suppose most users would have far more than 1000 miners to increase their chances even further.. Taking into account that 1000 miners would cost me almost twice as my entire Hive stake, I will probably pass on this opportunity. At least for now..
That being said, I do think it's a cool idea and opportunity to earn and grow your account passively. Especially as the mining pool is 15% of the total inflation, which most likely will give you a rather long time to break even and eventually make profit.
- What do you think?
- Are you mining LEO?