Introducting #ELI5 On Hive and LeoFinance

After thinking about it for a few weeks now I think it's time to enrich Leo and Hive with some easy-to-read content that anyone can understand and consume in a few minutes. If you aren't familiar with ELI5 (explain like I'm five) I'll provide a brief explanation below.

Introducting ELI 5.png

What Is ELI5?

Explain like I'm five is a very popular concept on Reddit (and many other websites) where experts and those that are in the know try to dumb down complicated concepts and processes so even a 5-year-old can understand them, technically speaking.

These threads are more like those questions you always had but there was never a good moment for you to ask them. Here is the highest upvoted ELI5 post from Reddit for refference.

ELI5:How after 5000 years of humanity surviving off of bread do we have so many people within the last decade who are entirely allergic to gluten?

Wouldn't we all want to know but also avoid any medical terms and subjects we can't even begin to understand?

ELI5 on Hive

After checking multiple topics on Hive I found no content using the ELI5 format so I have decided to start the trend on my own and hopefully inspire others to do the same. Without doing any sort of research you can conclude that newcomers are looking for easily digestible content that doesn't go too deep on the technical aspects of blockchain, which is probably the hardest part for them to understand.

Instead, we can aim to compare blockchain to real-life situations, businesses, and ideas that are much closer to non-technical audiences. As an easy example, an article explaining DPOS and witnesses could compare them to elected government officials and the way governments operate. Sure, it is not the same thing but it is the closest comparison you can make. The idea is to dumb it down as much as possible without straying too far from the subject and the objective truth.

Wanna Contribute?

The best way to get involved is to start writing simple articles using the #ELI5 hashtag. It is also a great way to test your knowledge because if you can't explain a concept to a 5-year-old you probably don't understand it good enough, to begin with.

Another way to participate is to ask any questions you may have in the comment section below. If there is any concept in crypto that you can't understand, a protocol, a phrase, or even a specific cryptocurrency, post your questions in the comments and I will add them to my production list.

Ideally, I will be posting 1 or two of these articles every week.

Edit: I wanted to burn some Leo with this post but I clicked publish too fast and now there is no going back...

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