Hive Power up Day and March Goals

Today is the first day of March and I want to participate in the Hive Power Up Day (HPUD). When I finished my first month on the block chain, I realized how RCs were important and that I needed to grow my HP. Thankfully there were some amazing people on the block chain and @sn0n delegated me some HP during my first month. My account has grown a lot since then and I still realize that RCs are very important.

It is challenging to decide what to prioritize first as there are many great investment projects in HIVE. I have already started to dip my toes into a few great dividend tokens like DHEDGE, UTOPIS and INDEX. However this month, I have increased from last month and plan to power up 15 HIVE as part of the HPUD contest by @traciyork.

hpud mar before.png
Above is the picture of my account before powering up and below is it after powering up and below is the account after powering up.
hpud mar after.png

As a bonus, here is me powering up my liquid LEO. I don't think I have enough to make the liquidity pool attractive so I decided to focus more on staking it so I can generate more LEO in the community.
hpud mar leo.png

Token Goals
I have decided to add in a few goals I want to reach during March so I don't slack off as much.

  1. Increase my HP to 250 (currently 189)
  2. Increase my staked LEO to 250 (currently 174)
  3. Increase my staked SPORTS to 200k (currently 138.9k)
  4. Increase my staked CTP to 200 (currently 141)
  5. Increase LBI to 50 (currently 47.649)

These are my main goals token-wise as I interact the most on LEO. I should of probably increased my goals but I realistically put down what I think I can achieve this month. If I don't hit it, I will feel bad and I will buy some tokens on the market.

Games and game goals
I like games and have been participating in multiple of the games on HIVE such as Rising Stars and Splinterlands. I have branched out a little into the WAX block chain as well to earn some passive income through RPlanet.

  1. My goal for Rising Star is to be a Starbit Millionaire (no timeline). I want this because I will be able to earn 10k Starbits per day and I can either use this to fund other projects or aim for ranking rewards.
  2. Start either Rabona or Exode this month. I think Rabona with it's fee of $5 sounds good. As it would also allow me to make content, I would be able to recoup my initial costs as well. As for Exode, I think I want to save up to unlock all three classes and I lack funds. It would depend on how much I can save up.
  3. Increase my RPlanet WAX earnings to $0.2 per day (currently $0.14). I was originally earning nearly $1 per day but Rplanet nerfed the Aether generation rate and exchange rates tanked. I only put $0.2 as my goal because I can't control these factors. The only thing I can say I can only increase my NFTs staked.

I haven't included any goals for Splinterlands as I don't plan to put more money into it but I have placed some bids for some cards. However I have frequently see myself pulling part of my earnings when I want to buy dividend tokens. Since I don't want to pay the full price for cards, I prefer to wait to see if someone takes me offer. I am content with my current placing in Splinterlands but I wouldn't mind getting enough power for gold II bracket.

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