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LeoGlossary: Account Profile

SplinterGlossary: Account Profile

The account profile can be accessed by clicking on the player name in the top-right corner of the Splinterlands interface. From there a menu opens, and one of the options is "Profile".

The account profile allows easy access to the player's collection and the recent battles fought.

It also allows editing the profile, meaning the avatar and the title, at this point. A title can be selected if the player has been awarded one, otherwise, there's no title to select.

On the main profile popup page, there are also a number of interesting stats available, separately for the two formats, Modern and Wild.

Separately for the two formats, these stats are:

  • Rating
  • Highest Rating
  • Rank
  • Highest Rank
  • Total Battles
  • Total Wins
  • Longest Streak

Common at the level of the account, there are these stats:


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