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LeoGlossary: Attack Power

SplinterGlossary: Attack Power

The attack can be of one of three types:

  • melee
  • range
  • magic

There are also monsters with no attack.

Each attack is also characterized by how powerful it is. The number on the attack stat shows the amount of damage an attack produces if no modifiers are influencing it.

Let's get into more details.

Melee and Range attackers need to go through armor first. If their damage is higher than the armor of the enemy, it won't start taking from its health unless the attacker also has the Piercing ability.

Melee is buffed by Inspire and debuffed by Demoralize. Thorns and Retaliate are anti-melee abilities. Other abilities are effective against melee: shield, dodge, repair, etc.

Range is buffed by certain summoners (doesn't have an ability buff), and debuffed by Headwinds. Return Fire is the anti-range ability. Other abilities are effective against range: snipe, dodge, flying, blind, repair, etc.

Magic is buffed by certain summoners (doesn't have an ability buff), and debuffed by Silence. Magic Reflect is the anti-magic ability. Other abilities are effective against magic: void, void armor, phase.

Forcefield ability helps a monster to not be overpowered by much stronger attackers.


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