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LeoGlossary: Card Rarities

SplinterGlossary: Card Rarities

Splinterlands cards come in two foils:

and in 4 rarities:

The two characteristics apply together. For example, a regular rare card or a gold common card. Or the most sought rarity of all, a gold foil legendary card (or GFL).

When someone refers to a card of one of the rarities without specifying its foil, it's implied regular foil. For example, a common card automatically implies a regular common card. To distinguish a gold common card, one would have to mention "gold".

Card rarity gives an indication of how powerful a card is. Normally, a legendary card is more powerful than a common card. But when used the wrong way, a legendary card can lose to a common card.

The rarity also determines how many card copies are needed to level up or to max out the card.

Gold cards are much more scarce than regular cards, but they have the advantage one needs fewer of them to level up the card, and usually, the un-upgraded gold card starts at a higher level (3 for common cards, 2 for legendary cards).

Without modifiers, the chances of dropping each rarity card from booster packs or from the loot chests containing cards are the following:

  • common: 75.2%
  • rare: 20%
  • epic: 4%
  • legendary: 0.8%
  • chance for a card to turn gold: 2%

For booster packs, the chance to reveal a legendary card can be doubled with legendary potions, and the chance for a card to turn gold can be doubled with the alchemy potions.

For loot chests, modifiers are included in the type of chest you earn. Here's how the chances to reveal legendary and gold cards vary for different types of reward chests:

Loot Chest TypeLegendary ChanceGold Chance


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