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LeoGlossary: Playlist

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A playlist is a group of videos or songs that can be played back on a media player. This can either be done sequentially or in a shuffled order.


Playlists got their origin in the radio industry. Disk jockeys would assemble a list of songs to be played. This was often by genre such as Top 40 playlists put out by stations that specialized in that.

They was often broken up based upon the time of day.


The Internet completely changed the playlist. Audio formats became popular on platforms such as Spotify. Video was quickly dominated by YouTube. Both allow users to set up playlists.

With desktop computing, and eventually mobile, media players gained in popularity. These allow for users to generate playlists their the players.

Streaming only added to the options of setting up playlists. Services available in this area are:

  • Spotify
  • Pandora
  • Amazon Music
  • YouTube

Social media allows for the formation of two way interaction between creator of the playlist and other users.

Playlists On LeoThreads

LeoThreads lets people build playlist. This is a way to establish threads as a music epicenter. This can be built from either YouTube or Spotify.

The essence of the system is to use tags as a database query. Under this premise both playlist and song are used.

The first step is to establish the playlist. This is done with a top line thread that includes the tag along with the basis of the playlist. We could see more tags used such as classicrock, country, or mix. It is completely up to the individual.

Using the playlist tag allows others to search the category using the feature on the website.

When building the playlist, the songs are added simply by replying to the top line thread. Here is where each new addition in the playlist occurs, stretching out until the desire amount is integrated.

Many opt to use the tag song here since each reply is actually its own song. This is another way people can search for content they want.

Platform Monetization

Leofinance implemented an Ad Revenue feature that makes playlists an attractive part of the platform.

Those who build the lists are able to benefit financially along with all those who are holding Leo Power. This is under the LeoAds program.

Online advertising is based upon clicks. With this, pageviews are vital. Playlists are a great way to generate traffic since many people return repeatedly to listen to their favorite songs.

Creating popular playlists can be of financial benefit to the creator. As the lifetime pageview counts mount, this translates into a certain amount of money being generated through ads.

The program is designed to use the advertising revenue to buy $LEO on the market and distribute it to Leo Power holders. There is a provision which pays a percentage of the ad revenue to the creator of the playlist.

Reference Center

One of the key for Leofinance going forward is to be a reference center. People return to those sites or applications that provide them with resources required. The microblogging platform is a great way to attract new users. Playlists are a way to get them to repeatedly return.

The goal is to get thousands of songs into hundreds of playlists that people can access. When listeners have a financial benefit based upon their individual or collective payments, it is a preferred option as compared to simply going to a Web 2.0 platform which only benefits the shareholders of that corporation.

This is the start of Web 3.0 where users are able to benefit from their activities. By effectively turning Leofinance into a front end for these other platforms, we see the monetization flowing into the wallets of the users. This is a vital distinction between the two different versions of the Internet.

Blockchain and cryptocurrency offer the potential to alter all aspects of the online world. Playlists is a simple way to start the process.


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