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LeoGlossary: Top 10 Largest Pension Funds In The World

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What are the world's largest pension funds?

Here is a list of the largest pension funds in the worlds by assets.

1.Social Security Trust Funds$2,838,183,544,330Public PensionNorth America
2.Government Pension Investment Fund Japan$1,445,102,707,334Public PensionAsia
3.Caisse des Depots$1,112,376,809,500Public PensionEurope
4.Military Retirement Fund$979,432,811,000Public PensionNorth America
5.Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board$782,292,000,000Public PensionNorth America
6.Federal Employees Retirement System$733,815,462,000Public PensionNorth America
7.National Pension Service of Korea$679,896,144,200Public PensionAsia
8.Stichting Pensioenfonds ABP$540,315,660,000Public PensionEurope
9.Zenkyoren$530,339,000,000Public PensionAsia
10.Canada Pension Plan Investment Board$518,365,379,346Public PensionNorth America


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