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LeoGlossary: Weapons Training Ability

SplinterGlossary: Weapons Training Ability

A Monster with Weapons Training ability trains any adjacent no-attack characters, thereby giving them an attack of the same type as the character with the Weapons Training ability. The amount of attack that the Weapons Training ability gives to adjacent, no-attack characters is half of the attack of the card with Weapons Training.

If two characters with the Weapons Training ability and different attack types are on either side of a character with no attack, then that character will gain BOTH attacks. If the characters with Weapons Training on either side of a character with no attack have the same attack type, then that character will gain the higher of the two attacks.

If a character with Weapons Training dies, then any adjacent characters with no attack will lose the Weapons Training effect and will no longer be able to attack, and similarly, if a character with Weapons Training becomes adjacent to a character with no attack at any point in the course of the battle the Weapons Training effect will be applied at that time.

Characters with no base attack that are affected by the Weapons Training buff will also be affected by other effects that modify attacks such as Inspire, Headwinds, Summoner effects, etc, but they will still be considered as having no attack when it comes to being affected by the Oppress ability, which will still do double damage to them.


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