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LeoGlossary: Gross income

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Gross income is a term used to refer to all of the money an individual or business earns in a given time before any deductions are taken out. It includes salaries, wages, bonuses, and commissions earned by individuals; profits made by businesses; interest payments from investments; and other forms of income such as rental property earnings. Gross income is important for both individuals and businesses because it serves as the basis for calculating taxes owed on that particular amount.

For individuals, gross income can be used to calculate their taxable incomes which will determine how much they owe in taxes each year. Additionally, some government benefits are calculated based on an individual's gross annual salary. So knowing one's exact number can be beneficial when trying to qualify for certain programs or services that require proof of financial need.

Businesses use gross incomes when filing their tax returns each year since this figure determines what portion they must pay back in taxes owed according to federal regulations. Knowing one’s total pre-tax earnings also allows entrepreneurs and corporate executives alike to make more informed decisions about budgeting funds throughout the year. As well as helping them keep track of expenses versus revenue generated within specific periods over time.

Being aware upfront of what amount needs to be allocated towards taxation purposes at least helps companies plan with greater accuracy. And this leads to future growth potential.

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