Overview of DLease: How It Works & What It's For

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Putting HIVE Power To Work

With the community initiative #HivePUD that happens on the 1st (organised by @traciyork with support from many others across the network), a lot of folks would have powered up their HIVE and will start seeing the benefits of this. One such benefit is that you receive a kind of "interest" on your powered up HIVE, which I believe is around 3% per year so even if you do nothing else, you will have 3% more HIVE in 12 months time (I think)!

However, if you're a bit more active or adventurous and want to look at ways of getting that power to work even more, then one of the many options is using @dlease. I mentioned this in my own power up post the other day and some of you were asking about it, reached out on Discord and so I thought I'd just do a post about it and break it down layer by layer. So let's find out a bit more about what is.

Disclaimer: I'm not a financial advisor and this is not financial advice, always do your own research

What Is Leasing?

Leasing is basically letting someone borrow something you have, or you wanting to borrow something from someone, for a set period of time at an agreed fee. With HIVE leasing, you're letting someone borrow your HIVE Power (or requesting to borrow HP) for a certain period of time for an agreed upon fee.


Dlease is a 3rd party website that has been built by @buildteam which is set up specifically for the purpose of users leasing or requesting leases for HIVE Power. If you lease your HIVE Power, you get paid in liquid HIVE. If you request a lease, you need to pay liquid HIVE.

Here's how it works.

Log In To The Website

Here is the link to the dlease website, where you have a range of options to log in, I use Keychain as I find it the easiest thing to use around Hive.


Dashboard Tab

This is where you can check the current status of all your leases. You will see the following summary at the top and a table underneath with all your active leases with progress on how much longer they will last:

  • Current HIVE payouts - these are broken down into daily, weekly and monthly so you can see what's coming up
  • Active Leases - showing how much you have leased in, leased out and your average APR
  • Idle HIVE Power - how much HP you have available to lease out

Market Tab

The Market tab is where you will find all the information about who is requesting your Hive Power. The summary bar at the top shows the following information:

  • Available Leases - how many available leases there are at the moment and underneath in brackets is the total amount of HP requested. In the screenshot below, 63 leases are available with a total amount across them of 84,167 HP (that would be nice to have!)
  • Ongoing Leases - the total number of leases that are currently happening across the site
  • Maximum APR - maximum Annual Percentage Return (APR) going at the moment, with, I'd say the more useful, Average APR underneath in brackets. A higher APR will give you more in return for the amount of HP you lease.


The table underneath the summary bar shows the available leases and the default view is that it sorts the leases to have the highest APR at the top but you can sort by however you want. If don't have a lot of HP to spare, sort by HP. If you want a long term consistent daily payout, sort by duration. You just click the little arrows next to the column titles and it will sort accordingly.

Leasing HP

Once you have found a suitable candidate from the list, click the "Delegate" button and the screen below appears. Be sure to review the information and sign the transaction using your preferred method.


Congratulations, you have leased your HP and will get daily liquid HIVE for the duration of the lease period!

Requesting A Lease

If you wanted to pay for a delegation, then you need to click on the "Request A Lease" button from the Market Tab. The first screen you see will be this:


Most of the time, the account will be your own for both the boxes but if you have multiple accounts then make sure you select the correct account for each box!

The next screen is where you fill out the details of your lease. I've just put in some numbers as an example for a bit of fun if you wanted to be a whale (~520,000 HP) for 24 weeks lol!


As you play around with the numbers, the display updates as well to give you the APR you are offering, the chance that it has to be filled and how quickly, based on performance of similar lease requests. If you are requesting a large amount, you can click the "auto-split into smaller leases" box which will basically split the amount you're requesting into smaller chunks (maximum of 100 splits) and will likely to be more successful than requesting 520k HP in one go in this example haha! Click "next" to go to the confirmation.


The final screen confirms the lease request and you'd then pay the amount of HIVE by using your preferred signing option. Make sure you have enough liquid HIVE in your wallet! Needless to say, I didn't carry through with this lease request so don't go looking for it on the market!

Things To Consider

Obviously, only use dlease if it's right for your situation. I use it because I find it a better way to use my HP as I am not around all the time and I know curation guilds are on there who will put it to better use supporting content creators, plus I get a return, which I then use to power up and continue the cycle, it all adds up with the compound!

I'd also say check out the account that you are leasing to and do a bit of research on them to make sure they won't abuse your HP (whatever your definition of abuse is). If it is being abused and the community is letting you know then you can always cancel your lease by going to PeakD wallet, click the magnifying glass and then the bin icon. It will take 5 days for your delegation to return then you can try again if you wanted.


The APR offerings go up and down all the time and I've seen the average go down to 10% and up to 16% since March 2020 so, with most things, it's about timing really if you want to maximise your APR. If you don't mind waiting then check every couple of days to see if it's changed.

Other than that, pretty straightforward right? Who else uses dlease to loan their HP? Anyone use it to borrow HP? How have you found it?


Endnote: An afterthought I just had is that other 2nd layer tokens like LEO and others might add a leasing type set up on their front ends for their specific token (although I guess if these projects have already been set up with curating specific content in mind, then they'd probably allocate the most tokens to their curation account). Food for thought anyway...

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