@ancapbarbie nominated me for the #twelvequestions challenge created by @hobotang in his fantastic introduction post. Take a moment and go upvote it!
1. What three meals would you have before heading to the International Space Station?
First of all, I have to calm the freak down because this is something special. You see, sneks like me don't like to go to space unless that space station is located on Earth! Anyways, it's just a question right? ((Inhales deeply)) I want fries with a banana milkshake and a liter Cola because I like that shit!
I also want a fat hamburger with fries, a strawberry milkshake and two liters Cola because I really like that shit! And the third meal will be a Hotdog, a hamburger and a banana/strawberry milkshake and three liters of Cola! I mean, If I am going to space I know I will pee in my pants so I might as well make that worth it!
2. What section of the newspaper would you be?
This question is making me blink because what is a newspaper? I mean in this day of age, you read the newspaper online and I don't want to be a screen! Okay, If I had to pick I would be the........ OMG! I just don't know because I have not read a newspaper for at least 20 years! That being said I guess I will have to go with the comic page because that is all I remember. This is bad, really really bad! On the other hand.... I also don't watch the news etc.... I stopped watching that a long time ago as well. Weird snek...But hey, did you ever see a snek reading a newspaper or watch tv?
3. If you were immortal, at what age would you choose to stop aging, and why?
Now this I like! I would stop aging at 26 years, 16 days, 15 hours, 20 minutes and 3 seconds! Why? Because that is just COOL! And then I will spend the rest of my immortal life trying to find a way to die because I don't want to live forever! BUT... I will also spend as much time doing cool stuff like eating all day because I think if you stop aging you will also stop growing be that in length or side-ways!
4. What sport would you compete in, if you were in the Olympics?
Sport..... That is something you can eat right? No? Hmm interesting! I think if I could do this thing called couch-surfing as a sports I would pick that because I am 100% sure I would win the gold medal! You see, I am rather good at that thing! I think I might also win at potato peeling! No Idea why I am super fast at it but I really am!
5. If you had to go back in time to live the rest of your life, where/when would you go?
This is the most amazing and easy for me to answer question. I would go back to when King Arthur, the one who is said the be a fable, lived and I would be at the roundtable. Yup, the roundtable! Either to be watching those handsome knights or to eat while looking at those HOT knights! I might be a knight nerd. Okay, I am. I can spend days on end reading about them or watch 6 movies in a row without jawning! I would love going back to that time where there were no cars and got from A to B on a freaking HUGE horse! No guns but wearing 3 daggers and a sword on my back! Maybe I am just a reborn Xena?

Image credits because I stole this image from THA NET
6. If time and money were no barrier, what would you create?
I would spend all my time and money on making a chocolate bar tree! A HUGE tree, full of millions of pink flowers with purple dots in Springtime. Then Summer will come and those flowers will turn into massive chocolate bars in all kind of taste. Milk, pure and even white! Hell, there will also be bars with nuts and fruits! This would be my ultimate dream come true next to having a tree that gives coffee with milk and sugar! Or maybe I should pick a special cow for that last one!
7. Have you ever completed anything on your bucket list?
YES! A while ago I made a bucket list! I wrote down 3 numbers on it! 3 different kind of buckets! Green, red and yellow! In the end, I bought the blue bucket but it was the same as number 2 on my list only in a different color! Took me a long time to find the right one, to be honest! It's really hard to find the perfect bucket! Right now I am debating to add one more special bucket to my list. I have 4 in total now but number one is starting to get old. Even a bucket deserves to rest after being used!
8. What would be the most surprising scientific discovery imaginable?
That there are 4 other snekkies like me! I mean WTF! One of me really is enough! Or... I am so not into this... Can I skip this one? No? Oh! Dammit! Okay, in that case, I also think that the discovery of real leprechauns would be totally cool!
9. Are you a good witch, or a bad witch?
A super bad witch! Easy and the honest truth! Why?
Well if you know me, you know that I am the biggest clumsy person alive! I would probably turn every human into something really awful while I want to spread love and happiness. I would end up turning water in to fire instead of wine. A prince into a pig and a pig into a horse and a horse into a cake! Next, to that, I might just hocus pocus the whole world away! So yes, a bad bad bad witch! That's why I am a snek and not a witch I think!
11. Which band/artist - dead or alive - would play at your funeral?
The Prodigy! I will even share a link to YOUTUBE here with you all. I love them and their music always makes me happy! I love the way they look, sound and create! Next, to that, I would love to see the faces of those who attend my funeral and hear the BEAT killing it! Pun intended. My coffin shall bounce for sure. Life is a party and that should be celebrated when someone died. I understand the sadness of missing someone or losing someone but if and when I die, I hope people will celebrate the fact that I lived! And I hope they do that with some good music and cookies!

12. What book/movie recently read/seen would you recommend, and why?
Snakes on a plane! No, Snakes on the freaking train! NO... Watch both and I have seen them both recently! I love those movies because SNAKES! Plus they make me laugh really hard! I love old movies like those! Giggle moments! On the other hand, this is the reason I can't travel to any STeemit meeting though. I am a Snek and I am banned from the train and planes now because of these movies! Kinda said because, I mean....
I am nominating:
@thebugiq because I like to annoy him!
@ma1neevent because I like to annoy him as well!
Banner time!

Did you notice I took out question number 10? No? Tsssssss!