What is Psyber-X?
It has been several months since we have defined what Psyber-X is and there are a fair number of people who have come to Hive since then. Because of that, we felt it fair to give a synopsis of what we’re building.

Psyber-X is a game. Sounds simple. There are so many facets to it, though. It’s not just a game, it is going to be an experience unlike what you’ve played in the past...to some degree. If you’ve played a first-person shooter game, you mostly understand what we’re building. Again, it’s more than that. We are bringing the power of blockchain and crypto into the gaming world. What this means for the average person is that we’re building a game where you can battle with people around the world while earning cryptocurrency. In currently available FPS (first person shooter) and TPS (third person shooter) games, you can buy in-game currency from the game maker. They get your money in exchange for a strictly in-game currency that stays in-game forever. You use the in-game currency to buy in-game items that stay in the game forever. We’re changing that.
With Psyber-X, we are using the power of NFTs (non-fungible tokens) to enhance your gaming experience. For the average person who doesn’t understand NFTs, there are many posts that explain how they work. This one is our favorite. 😊 For our game, by owning an image that is linked to the Hive blockchain (that’s an NFT), our game recognizes the blockchain code and your ownership and gives you benefits inside the game while you play. If you want to buy, rent, or sell NFTs that Psyber-X makes, you will not just have a pretty picture like nearly 99% of the NFTs that exist (and pretty is being kind). You will have a use for your digital property.

Did you say NFT?
This NFT for instance...
The Gravitational Multiplier
If you buy this NFT and equip it before you enter the battlefield, when you create an explosion, your enemies will slow down by a multiplier of 0.5% based on their level. This could be the difference between you living to see another battle and winning some LVL or leaving an enemy badly hurt, but alive enough to hit you back.
The point is that this NFT to you may just be an image, but to the game, the code attached to it as recorded on the blockchain means you have a cool war toy to mangle your enemy and destroy their will for fighting you another day.
In many games available today, you can also shoot other people and delight in their demise. In Psyber-X, we reward you with in game currency called Level 1, or LVL, that can also be exchanged for out of game currency, even to the point that your LVL can be exchanged for your own fiat currency. This simply means I could play the game and accumulate enough LVL that I could take my wife out for a nice dinner, make a car payment, or maybe even make my house payment. The point is you have the possibility of earning money by playing Psyber-X.
The Game’s Premise
Psyber-X is a cyber punk-themed battle royale with many other battle types that will be phased in as we continue developing the game. You are in the land of Zeelis. Terrible things have happened, and factions have been built, each resisting the other. Robots have become common place and have been programmed to attack human life. Not only will you be fighting others, you’ll be running from indestructible robots found in the game. These robots like to corral players to a common stable, if you will…and they shoot to kill. Your goal is to be the last one standing. If you knock off another player, no matter where they are around the world, you will earn LVL based on what was required to enter the game.
If you’re playing a free round, you may not earn anything. If you enter a sponsored battle, you’ll earn a fraction of what was anted up on each player’s behalf. If you enter a battle where each player anted up a predetermined amount, whether it was 0.025 LVL or 1000 LVL, you’ll get that portion when you off an opponent.
This game will be an exhilarating experience. You won’t want to go back to those other games.
What about the graphics?
We at Royal Reptile Studios have been working hard. We have hired 3D artists and blockchain developers to make this a cutting edge experience. We started out using Unity assets, like most teams that make a game. Their graphics are good, but they’re not Great. We’re going for What THE…
In a few weeks, we will be opening up the map where the battles will take place to all those who have Founders NFTs. This includes Tiers 1-3 who have been with us since the beginning and Land Barons who either purchased a Commercial Plot or 15 Founder Starter Kits, which are only available until 13 May 2022. This Founders tour of the game map will be the first time anyone has seen our battlefield in all its glory. There will not be any guns at first. We have our teams building and developing the interactivity of the world; however, you will get to the first glimpse into what gaming on the Hive blockchain will become.
Setting The Scene:
A sneak peek into the cyberpunk world shows a Center of Commerce that doubles as a
tourist destination. The once beautiful edifice stands covered in rot from top to bottom and now as a shadow of its prime years. Although it's a shining façade that conceals the horror, the reality of it being a battleground stares people in the face. Everyone tries to be the next master of Zeelis. Bandits, outlaws, rogue robots, mechs, and other villains fight in the open for a battle of supremacy. These and more reveal the highlights of the game.
Psyber-X will feature NFTs in the form of power up cards (Experience boosts, speed boosts, killstreaks, shields, enhancers, etc.), weapons, cosmetics, and housing (In phase 2 this will be very important for housing). LVL earned through battles, selling NFTs, or renting NFTs can be exchanged for Hive or through bridges to Ethereum and other well known coins.
In the Community
Psyber-X has reached out and brought in creative members of the Hive community. We have ingrained ourselves deeply into the fabric of the Hive community. We have people like @papacrusher, @killerwot, @demon402, @bobthebuilder2, @dynamicrypto, @laritheghost, @enginniwitty, @klye, and several more who have created list upon list of NFT ideas. We’ve taken their ideas and many others shared within our Discord and incorporated them in the game. Most of our NFTs came from ideas shared by the Hive community. Our posts and stories are created and translated through Hive community members. As part of the Hive family, we have also become a witness who, with your votes, is now in the top 100 witnesses, going for the top 90.
Why Hive?
Hive has a community. Like a family, you’ve got to get your squabbles settled somehow! In a family, you may kick your brother where it counts or throwdown on the family rug. The best thing we could think of was to put some digital weaponry in your hands and let you fight it out like real family! It also doesn’t hurt that Hive has feeless transactions on a blockchain that has proven to record those transactions quickly. Why wouldn’t we choose Hive? It wouldn’t make sense for us to go anywhere else. We’ll build bridges to other communities, but our game is on Hive!
Phase 1
The Gameplay starts in Phase 1. Players will be unleashed on a cyberpunk city with up to 50vs50 matches, or a free for all. Players will have had to pick their load out before entering into the game. Their load out will widely depend on the amount of weapons/armor they have been able to accumulate so far. Though you can find weapons and armor on the map that you’ll be able to use just during that battle (Not permanent, as you must have the NFT to be able to use it permanently), there will be many people scrounging for the best gear that is available to get on the map. Some players will have a bigger advantage, so be careful where you step.

There will be AI robots (and a giant mech that will be walking the streets...he’s invincible) that are thrown into combat that will be seeking to kill you, so there will be many enemies to be watching out for. They will not be overpowered. Their purpose is to corral people into a central location to complete a battle. If they kill you, the LVL earned will be pooled to create battles that are free to enter where players will have a chance to earn LVL they either lost before or to earn LVL they never had in the first place (A TRUE free-to-play and play-to-earn game).
As you get the upper hand and start to kill your opponents, you will start to unlock kill streaks. Kill streaks will unlock on their own as you pick people off, creating power needed to charge them. Kill streaks will also be NFTs available for purchase through the Marketplace that you can charge up by equipping it before you enter the battlefield. You will have one life in this combat arena, so make it count. The only way to get back into the same battle to get your revenge will be to ante up again. Otherwise, you’ll wait for the next battle.
Royal Reptile Studios has used the sale of LVL to fund the upgrades to the original dream. We also have a private investor who funded the project initially. Based on our current estimates, those who supported us the most first will be playing the game, not just touring the map in just a couple months. The rest of the world will be able to enter the battle arena before the end of 2022. We continue to sell LVL to fund our marketing projects, be it video production or through various social media platforms, including hiring influencers to spotlight our game. 250 million LVL was earmarked for Phase 1 and we are down to nearly 50M left. This amount of LVL represents 10% of all the LVL that was and will be created. Once this LVL is sold, the diamond hands or paper hands of the marketplace will affect how the price of LVL goes.
The remaining 250M LVL is locked for Marketplace development and future game development. By “future game development,” we do not mean the war-driven game of Psyber-X. We mean the Psyberverse will expand in 2023-2025 with new games that will also be tied to LVL as its currency. We could potentially have several games with LVL as its in game currency.
Continuous funding for Psyber-X development will take place through a 5% fee for all transactions taken place through the Marketplace. This means if you sell a No Remorse NFT for $7,500 equivalent in LVL, Psyber-X will receive $375 equivalent in LVL. If a Commercial Plot (there are only 50 of these) sell for $150,000 equivalent in LVL, Psyber-X will receive $7,500 equivalent in LVL. Also, Psyber-X fully expects to continue development of new, fresh, and exciting NFTs, ranging from gag and holiday-based weapons to new and improved tools of torture. The sell of these NFTs to our fans will also provide funds needed to keep the servers running the game. Expenses for server space for a game like this can range upwards of tens to hundreds of thousands per month depending on the player demand. We hope you bring all your friends and relatives, enemies, and nemeses.
Phase 2
In phase 2, the MMO aspect will take hold. Players will have the liberty to be an officer working for the peace of the land. They can take up any role of interest ranging from teachers, DJs, or entertainers. Players are also at liberty to rebuild their version of the city but only as overlords. Whoever has the most power will reign supreme.
We will dedicate 2 teams to different sides of the project. One team will continue to develop phase 1, and add to it with player's feedback. Team two will start to build out the much bigger vision for PSYBER X. Phase 2 will be the open world MMO cyberpunk game. Development of phase 2 can take upwards of a year, but will be funded by the players who are actively playing on the game platform (phase 1). Phase 2 will take a much larger amount of money and will cost upwards of $500,000-$1,000,000 to complete.
Beyond Phase 2
After phase 2 is completed, we will have 3 teams. Team one and team two will continue to expand on phase 1&2, team three will build out other games that will use LVL as a tool, and further spread the ecosystem. All of these items can happen quicker or slower depending on the amount of popularity and growth Psyber-X receives.
We believe that very soon, millions will be playing PSYBER X and we will be enabled to build out further into the HIVE and LVL ecosystems. I believe with the help of the community we can make this dream a reality.
Thank you again for being with us this far!
DISCLOSURE By purchasing LVL Token, you agree that you are not purchasing a security or investment contract and you agree to hold the team harmless and not liable for any losses or taxes you may incur. Although LVL is a community driven DeFi Ecosystem and not a registered digital currency, always make sure that you are in compliance with local laws and regulations before you make any purchase. Cryptocurrencies are not legal tender and are not investments.
Social Links
Psyber-X on Pimp Media
PsyberX on 1UP Zone
Hive account @psyberx
Twitter account psyberxofficial
Official Psyber X Discord Chat
Official Youtube account Psyber X
Official Facebook page Psyber X
Our Instagram account PsyberXofficial
The official Psyber X TikTok
Telegram Chat Invite
The Gaming Studio Royal Reptile Twitter
NftShowroom Psyber X Collection
Psyber X Blog on Reddit
Official 3Speak PsyberX Account
Whatsapp Chat Invite
Line App Chat Invite