Down toward the bottom of the post @ameliabartlett made about her Tennessee meetup experience she introduced her other half @hobotang who had joined her at the meetup. She also mentioned he had completed a twelve question introductory questionnaire as part of his introductory post.
Then, she suggested we try the questionnaire ourselves. Not sure where the questions came from but they look kind of interesting enough to make into a challenge. So, I’ll be naming some victims — nominees
1. What 3 meals would you have before heading to the International Space Station?
Let’s see, I think top of that list would have to be Apple-Cinnamon Spareribs. That’s a family favourite from a recipe our mother found in a magazine while at the doctor’s office. The sauce is like a sweet & sour but made with apple juice, cinnamon and vinegar among other ingredients. Slow baked until the meat falls off the bones and served with rice. Now I’m hungry damn it.
Follow that with tender prime rib roast cooked to medium with asparagus and baked potato. Third choice would be — oh my what would my third choice be? Well, I do enjoy a well made lasagna with Caesar salad and garlic bread. There, that does it.
2. What section of the newspaper would you be?
Hmm let’s see, would likely need to be the Life section. There is always a variety of topics in the Life section of the paper. That’s me, a variety of topics and never know what will get my interest next.
3. If you were immortal, what age would you choose to stop aging at and why?
Well, age hasn’t been an issue for me over the years. I’ve always looked at the years as being what they are. I usually feel the same the day before my birthday as I do the day after a milestone birthday. Having said that, I’d likely choose two years ago (58) as that would take me before getting sick last year and if I dodge that bullet, I wouldn’t be dealing with the continued fallout. Yeah, sounds good.
4. What sport would you compete in, if you were in the Olympics?
A sport in the Olympics… let’s see… I declare reading to be a sport and would compete in that.
5. If you had to go back in time to live the rest of your life where/when would you go?
Some days, I’d go back and start over. Other days, I realize life is going to have its suck times no matter how often I start over and might as well just keep going on this one. Who would ever want to be a teenager again without knowing what we know now?
6. If time and money were no barrier what would you create?
Two worlds. One where there is no strife, hunger or poverty and one where I would send the bastards who create strife, hunger and poverty.
7. Have you ever completed anything on your bucket list?
Umm… well… I would have to first have a bucket list. So, I guess the answer is no, including not making a bucket list.
8. What would be the most surprising scientific discovery imaginable?
A natural way to stop cancer in it’s tracks that doesn’t subjecting people to nasty poisons and debilitating surgeries. And then finding the same cure for the other nasty illness that plague the world.
9. Are you a good witch or bad witch?
That question assumes I’m a witch. Who knows, I could be. I’d think I am a gray witch, sometimes good and sometimes bad. But hopefully a light gray, more good than bad.
10. If you had to teach a class on one thing, what would you teach?
Respect and kindness, there seems to be way to many people in the world who have forgotten the importance of both.
11. Which band / artist – dead or alive would play at your funeral?
Well, I’ve always been really partial to the big band music and in particular the music of Tommy Dorsey. I also really enjoyed the pan flute music of Zamfir. Yeah, weird but me :)
12. What book, movie read/seen recently you would recommend and why?
Well, I’d not go with a recent one. The movie that I think made the most profound effect on me was Schindler’s List. If you can watch that and still believe it is okay to hate on groups of people, you’re a cold hearted bastard for sure.
So, there you may have learned a little bit more about who @shadowspub is or none of it surprised you. Who knows? Now, for my nominees to pick up the list and answer the questions:
@thekittygirl — I never want to leave her out
@isaria — cause I think she’s cool
@ancapbarbie — cause I never know what to expect from her
@catweasel — he’ll do it his way and that could get interesting
@artemisnorth — I’d never leave my sister out
@dezziq — hey welcome to the platform lady

Until Next Time — Just Steem on