Why would I ever bug out? That's just for cooky preppers right? Wrong! Whatever term you use, at the end of the day it's evacuation and relocation! Prepper or not, your survival may depend on it.

The scenario may even include long-term events such as impending civil war. Either way, they may all render your house destroyed, un-liveable or too hazardous to stay in. Is it worth staying if your life is in danger or there is no future prospects? Those who will struggle to get out may have limited options - Examples include those who are less mobile (hospitalised), those with disabilities, who have multiple or large pets or people who cannot even drive a vehicle.
Have A Plan - At the basic level, your plan may involve just going to a family or friends house until you organise yourself some alternative accommodation, wait until the situation improves or the storm has passed. At least you are safe! Without a plan you will panic and make rash decisions.

When To Go - The big question! You should evaluate your situation and monitor the likely or foreseeable threats to your location. The decision to Bug Out will not be taken lightly, after all, your entire life achievements and investments may well have been put into your location. Sentimentality will be a key factor, but when it's no longer viable to stay, you may ultimately have two choices - GO or DIE. The decision to stay and 'Brass-It-Out' may not be such a good idea, particularly during a War related situation unless you are FULLY competent in many aspects of combat / self preservation. This will include Medical treatment / Food procurement / Water processing and Defence! I would suggest that even a trained military unit may struggle to defend itself without mutual support and a good logistical re-supply chain. You may even be thrust into a medieval castle – starve-out situation where movement beyond your residence will not be feasible.

Where To Go - You start to think about formulating your plan, but where do you go?
FEMA Camp | Hostel | Abroad | Bunker | Boat | Woods | Community Centre | Church
Each will have its advantages and disadvantages and will offer differing durations of stay. The ideal Bug Out location, will be fully stocked, with enough supplies and contingencies to enable you and your group to live and thrive until the scenario was over. You may even want to break down your extraction plan into two locations – An Immediate Emergency Muster Point, followed by transition onto your longer term location.
A fully stocked location will be an intensive, time-consuming task and may incur a significant financial burden. As always, it's a balance and will depend on the scenario and expected duration!

Methods Of Travel – Wether it be Private jet, Helicopter, Boat, Car, Motorcycle, donkey or foot, does it really matter? Not really, so long as it achieves your aim, gets you out of the threat zone and on to your alternate location! Whatever your method of travel, always try to incorporate back-ups.

Second, I have an alternate location which I can get to and temporarily live until I gather myself, take stock of what has happened and organise myself for re-habitation etc.
Should the event be area-wide, maybe even on a global scale (MASS pandemic/SHTF), the first option would always be to stay / Bug-In... Again, until my residence is no longer viable or liveable. If I have to leave then my i'll grab My bug out bag and go to INCH mode and extract to a secure or alternate location.
Most people have the vision of packing up your gear quickly and heading out into the woods.... Not this call-sign...I'm gonna grab my two bags, jump in the car and drive to the parents house....
So what's my point? In the military, we used to always have the contingency to Bug-Out... From where? Our current location! Carrying only essential survival / ammo / food / water / rescue gear for a self sustained minimal time-frame of at least 72hrs.
The key issue is to have a plan and know when to get out! Staying for just a fraction too long will result in misery, pain and even death. I'm not saying 'run to your Bug Out location at every sign of danger. What I am saying is, if you only intend to stay (Bug-In) you are severely minimising your survivability options.

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