Mindfulness Monday

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To help others and myself as a 'reminder of being mindful. I've decided to try weekly to do Mindfulness Mondays.

The whole goal is to keep the thought process going to help people lead happier lives. The other is to get some participation and ideas for others to try. It is a process that needs reinforcement and support. Openly discussing different things we have gone through, tried and so forth will help with the reinforcement we need.

I cannot say this enough and to be honest, you'll probably get sick of me saying it. GOOD, then that means it's sinking in.
Be the best YOU, you can be. Not to someone else's standards, but to your standards. It is NORMAL to have negative thoughts. It is what you do with them that matters. DON'T ever beat yourself up over them. It's NATURAL and to tell yourself or live to a standard that is not natural, leads to constant negative thinking, depression, anxiety and the like. If you catch them when they start, it's easier to become mindful. If you don't and it's deep seeded such as mine are, it takes more effort. You then have to battle your own thoughts to do what is right.

Can you get angry? Sure you can, it's a normal human response. Can you feel defeated? YES. Again it's natural.
Society in general has tried to tell us what is 'acceptable' trying to live to that standard and not accepting yourself for who you are and how you feel causes a myriad of problems.

So..... Just a few questions for us to look into.

What have you been doing to practice mindfulness?
Have you started to change how you look at things?
Have you started to meditate?
Have you started a project?
Have you been looking in to being mindful in your actions?

These are just a few questions, to get us thinking.


So my story from the week is: I am a perfectionist, while being a realist. I want people to understand life better. Have better lives. I have a very hard time with individuals who don't care at all and then with individuals that are so hell bent in their ways, there is no communication possible. At work I deal with mostly the one that don't care. When I say don't care, I mean they do not get complete information, they do not pay attention to what the customer is saying and requesting. If the mess up the answer is 'oh well' I have management that allows pettines to run rampant. Every morning they play musical chairs to make sure certain people don't get the chair that they want. I suggested to management to just get new chairs since they let other office staff to take ours then we wouldn't have a problem. Answer: 'They'll work it out' No they won't, they are purposely bullying people. This is daily. I walk out the door "Have a nice day." Shake my head and just can't understand it. (ERROR) I shouldn't try to understand it. I am not involved in it. It is not in my control. Breathe and move on.
The second part is we had a power outage, even though it was just a second, it tripped the backup generator at work. The backup generator is only to make sure we keep the computers and internet still working. Well....when you require incoming phone calls for your business to run and you're not getting any...that is REALLY bad. It took my coworkers 45 minutes to get in touch with the IT guy who was irritated that he was called. "I worked all day" "You're the only one that can reset the phone server. We have no business until you get it turned back on." It took him another 45 minutes to come in to do his job and complain the whole time. I really wanted to call the owner and let him know. What would that do? The office managers never answered their phone and didn't contact the office until 5am. Could you imagine your entire business being shut down for 5 hours?
They husband's response...it's not you job and if they don't care you shouldn't either. How can things change if people don't speak up. But then again, if nobody cares, why should you?

What mindfulness practice did I put in to place?

I am not responsible for the world. I am only responsible for myself and my actions. I can't make others see or feel things the way I do.
(Change my thought process)
(Don't beat myself up over what others do)
(BREATHE. Cleared my mind like a mini-meditation)
(Moved on)

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