Mental Wealth - Is it time you invested?

To really change anything we must first truly understand it, that’s cause and effect.


Sometimes nothing makes sense and yet at the same time we know our rationality is being internally hijacked. Without going in to the exact science of how the brain is made up, let me offer you the insight that the different parts of your brain can (and often do) come into conflict.

So when it feels like an internal battle ... it is!

But it doesn’t have to, nor do you have to be a neuroscientist or GP to be able to able to resolve and move on from what’s keeping you mentally and emotionally stuck.

The first critical step to great Mental Wealth is a decision - yep; just one decision that you want to think, feel and be different.

It’s simple maths - you have to want something more than you need something else; this is your desire. If your perceived needs are greater than your wants - you can present a ‘battle’ within your mental health.

Mental Wealth is how our thoughts, feelings and emotions should be, as we individually choose. It’s something we value like our physical body, our job or our finances. As with anything you value - you must invest for it to grow positively. The more you invest (input) the more you grow and get out of it (output).

Imagine this ... you keep looking at your finances and wish they could be better. You continue to work at the same rate, spend at the same pace and nothing changes; until you do!

Now, imagine you decide to sell all your unwanted stuff on eBay or Facebook marketplace. This new action has the power to change your financial position. You keep doing this and after 3 months you’ve saved enough of your money to invest in a holiday or something else you now ‘want’.

What happens if you stop selling things and investing your time and effort?

Well your finances are likely to return to where they were. If there are no more investments, then life becomes what it was.
Now think about your mind, your brain if you will. What if you were to invest in it, like you invest in your job, body or finances? What if you were to concentrate your effort to make things better somehow?

This is mental wealth.

If you think mental wealth is a given; you’re wrong - why? Because change is constant. People change, situations change, money changes, our body’s change ... so naturally our thoughts, beliefs and perceptions do too.

If you don’t invest (time, money, thought & effort) or you put something bad in (situations, trauma, life, negative words, others words etc) you can be pretty certain something bad could come out such as depression, lacking in confidence, aggression, self-esteem, self-harm and even suicide.

Don’t neglect your Mental Wealth - invest wisely; you’re valuable.

I'm on a mission to get more people investing! It's time that mental wealth was as mainstream as a gym, workplace and your social media brand! To do this I want to create the UK's first crypto funded Mental Wealth & Suicide Prevention Club. Code name #TheShed ... likely to become #TheSteemShed or #TheenDen

The vision is incredible really ... what the mainstream is failing to achieve; we can collectively succeed. A real test case.

For nearly a year I have been developing the concept of a real physical space, that's at one with nature - in the middle of a field (see picture attached) that has a view that heals all souls and has the power to open closed minds. I want the place to be a real place of collaboration, sharing and development.

A place you can transact with your #SBD and know that yet another incredible #humanitarian #project has been achieved - thanks to #steemit and the #steem #blockchain. You don't need to be financially wealthy to be mentally healthy! This should be a class or income based option ... image fellow steemians being raising funds to invest in their #mentalwealth and by doing so they give even more steem power back to the blockchain.

The ideas and potential are limitless. I'm not waiting for this so called 'real world' broken system - I'm calling on you, let's create a space the establishment probably doesn't want anyway ... mainstream mental wealth. A place fit for anyone and available to everyone.

Let's face it - if the system wasn't broken - this would NOT be needed.

Here's some facts ...

  1. In the UK alone there are 84 male suicides (this doesn't include the real figure with women too!)
  2. By the time the #council allow me to have the land shown nearly 2 years will have passed
  3. In 2 full years 8736 male lives will be lost to #suicide in the #UK alone
  4. The council have the power and budget to help reduce that figure
  5. We have more power collectively than the council

I need your help. I need your inclusion. I want to make this a real test case with real measurable results in the UK using the power and value of the blockchain. Let's collectively show how much impact a strong decentralised system can create.

I am still new here. I want all the help I can get, then maybe I won't be alone with this. Message below or email me [email protected] and tell me - how can you get involved? Maybe you've got a service to offer at #theshed or you've got knowledge of #pr or #funding using #Steem ... maybe you've got some great connections or know how to set up a donations page without needing to use Gofund me or some other money-making platform.

Every thought counts ... I value everyone's input - please guide me & join me.

Kindest, DJxx

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