Manuel Göttsching - E2-E4 ...presented by QSOUNDS

Years after its original release I learned about the album E2-E4 produced by Manuel Göttsching. This guy started of in a psychedelic rock formation in the early 70s. By mid 70s Göttsching continued on his own in a different direction; an ambient, trancy, minimalistic electronic style with album releases "Inventions for Electric Guitar" (1975) and "New Age of Earth" (1976).

The album E2-E4 was a product of his work with an absolute unique story. After a show he did with Klaus Schulz in 1981, he ended up in his studio and decided to create an improvised piece of music and started fiddling with his sequence devices and playing the synthesizers. An hour later, playing without any interruptions, the recording was done. Only in 1984 E2-E4 album was released, supposedly without any modifications to the live studio recording done back in 1981. Even to Göttsching it is a mystery how this improvisation session came out so strong.

  • Producer: Manuel Göttsching
  • Album: E2-E4
  • Style: Ambient
  • Year: 1984

I was very positive surprised when hearing this album for the first time; Must have been late 90s; And my appreciation for this work increased even more when I was told the story how it was created. Göttsching is absolutely a great artist and producer!

Listen for yourself and let me know what you think of this work.


Manuel Göttsching - E2-E4

More music and other resources of Manuel Göttsching.

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