the story of 'Wake Me up Sun' after Chilling with Rødhåd

© edje

It is about this long ago I've been relaxing and chilling while listening to some very good music; About 20 to 25 days ago... Or did I read that wrong?

The story is this (in short): since a couple of months, I've been receiving emails stating that I will loose x amount of points on some loyalty program, in case I will not use them before a specific date. Last week, finally, I've been spending a couple of hours going through the product catalogues; Hundreds and hundreds of products available to choose from, is terrible :) In the end I decided to get this "Wake Up with the Sun" apparatus. It is a clock with an in time adjustable alarm function, like so many others clocks. However, the special thing this device does: it slowly ups the light as well as the alarm sound (singing birds) starting 30 minutes before actual alarm time. The idea is the light takes the function of the sun, slowly waking up the body with increase of light. Obviously, the 20:25 is time. It is the time right after installation, a few days ago.

One of the sets I was listening to yesterday (yep, that was when I was relaxing and chilling and listening good music) was one outstanding one by Rødhåd, the Berlin based DJ/Producer known for his deep, melancholic but powerful, from dubtechno to techno and back to house style.

Try to Beat That :)


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Artist: Rødhåd
Set: Radio One Essential Mix
Year: 2016
Country: Germany

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