Vince Watson is the resident of 909 Festival held every year in te middle of Spring. A great small-ish festival, at a super location in the Amsterdamse Bos (a little forrest just to the south of Amsterdam), with a very high quality lineup (year-on-year), with minimal and super approach to decorations to try and create an underground feel, without a lot of blahblah and self promotion (look at their minimal website here)! They just do the bare minimum in online presence; They stay away from mass promotions!
Because of all of that, 909 is a festival attracting the music fans, those who love the type of music programmed at this festival.

Last year the lineup was SO GOOD; I'm still wondering why I didn't go: Jeff Mills, Laurent Garnier, ROD and Vince Watson. All artists I really love! And I skipped it?! What was I thinking! I for sure shall reserve time for this year edition! End of May (26th to be exact). With a massive lineup again (at least in my vocabulary) with some of my favourite artists: Speedy J, Ellen Alien, Extrawelt, Steve Rachmad, Aril Brikha and of course Vince Watson.
Anyone who loves underground-ish techno, loves small-ish festivals, and loves the Dutch, consider this festival.
To give you a feel what you can expect music wise, I share with you the live act of Vince Watson of last year! More set recordings by Vince and others you can find at Soundcloud with this link; Be careful, this link also lists set recordings from other festivals, so don't think like: "Pffff, Afrojack plays at 909? WTF!" NO, Afrojack does not play at 909; Never done it, and probably (well, very very likely) never will.
Without further ado: Lets get down to music and hit the play button below to get Vince's sounds into our ears and minds.
Owwww, you already hit the play button before starting reading this post? SUPER! :) You like what you hear?
Artist: Vince Watson
Set: 909 Festival
Year: 2017
Country: UK
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