The Old Dog Asks: Could This Rundown Ramshackle Hold Unbelievable Art Treasures?

I had passed by the dilapidated factory many times in my daily life. How sad to see such an unkempt building in such an affluent area and country. Then last week I saw something out of the corner of my eye. It shocked and delighted me!

It looks abandoned, sad and ghostly but there was something very special and exciting behind the gates and walls!

What Was Really Going On In That Building? I had To Investigate!

I parked my car on the shoulder of the road and approached the building to investigate what I thought that I saw. As I peered beyond the gated property to look at the immense statue that had caught my eye more and more amazing images began to emerge!

This is the first piece that caught my eye and caused me to stop and investigate. Using the car as a scale you can see that the statue is colossal and of a nature that peaks one's interest! But there was much more!

There Was More To Discover And So I Walked Around The Building's Perimeter!

As I continued to walk along the perimeter of the gated "junkyard" many large, strange statues began to appear. Some seemed to have been inspired by the great artist Salvador Dalì! 

These pieces were about 50 meters beyond me and so I've zoomed in to show them a bit better.  I can see a cast statue of St. George and the Dragon on the right and to the left of him what appears to be a horse with Dalì like legs!

Here you can see some more of these wondrous creations including the melted clock!

Can you make out the gigantic moose that is being suspended by a crane? I could also make out the lower part of the legs of what will be a monumental work! I later discovered that they produce pieces up to 7 meters in height!

Who Was Behind All Of This Fascinating Sculpture?

I decide to continue around the perimeter and I came upon a sign which would lead to more discovery!

This sign gives the name of the business and it says that you can call for guided tours of the foundry as well as courses in sculpture! 

An Online Search Revealed Much About This Mysterious Place!

When I got home I searched for information about the company on the internet. Their artwork and their site tell a much different story compared to the abandoned looking building that I had investigated. Does this give new meaning to the phrase "Starving Artist"?

Here is their home page which can be viewed in Italian, English, German, and French!

Perseo SA Art Foundry

I invite you to take a quick look at their web site and you'll discover some interesting things:

  • They were established in 1952 and have close ties with the art world and sculptors!
  • They use 3 different casting methods!
  • They can conduct business in English, French, Italian and German
  • They build sculptures up to 7 meters high!
  • They collaborate with 18 different sculptors!

I Will Return To Discover More!

Since they offer free tours I would like to return and discover more in an up close and personal way. Life as a Steemit blogger is interesting and good!

Points to Ponder

  • What interesting places have you discovered lately?
  • Does Steemit give you more reasons to explore?
  • Have you passed by a place many times never realizing what was there?

I hope that you enjoyed seeing that a "Rundown Ramshackle Can Hold Unbelievable Art Treasures!"

Until next time,

Remember, I reward the best comment(s) on each of my posts with my "The Old Dog is Throwing You a Bone" program! So please re-steem and follow so that we can spread the wealth!     

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