Hi everyone,
Today has been a pretty magical day for me, for several reasons, but the most important reason is because I saw a beautiful smile on the love of my life's face, @briancourteau, because of a series of events that happened on steemit.
Last week, @danielsaori and @crazybgadventure teamed up to create a fantastic new project #shoutoutsaturdays. It's all about the importance of developing relationships, meeting new people and bringing communities together! Three things I totally value! The point is to describe how great these new people are to you and why you appreciate them so much. If you haven't heard about this, check out @crazybgadventure's original post for all the rules and details.
So, you may be wondering what does this all have to do with Brian and I? Hang in there...I'm almost to that ;)
Today I was fortunate enough to be tagged in @magicalmoonlight's post and @amariespeaks' post where they both had some amazing things to say about me, but @magicalmoonlight took it a step further and included something unexpected; it was something by @briancourteau, written to me last night called A Letter to lynncoyle1 as I inch closer to death from cancer, an unbelievably beautiful tribute to the love he and I share.
So at this moment, I want to show my appreciation to @amariespeaks for saying such wonderful things and @magicalmoonlight for the same and for including Brian's post. You both make me so happy and proud today to be a fellow steemian!
Now to the part about Brian:
For those of you who have been following me and Brian's journey, I want to say thank you as well! The love and support that we have been shown here has really been overwhelming at times...in a good way. There have been so many comments from you that have reduced us both to tears...happy, loving tears...tears of appreciation!
Lately Brian has been getting a little depressed because of his lack of energy and all-around feeling of inadequacy because of what the cancer is doing to him, body and spirit. He posted his letter to me last night, and sadly commented on the inactivity going on there. I of course commented on it and resteemed it, and then mentioned it to @davemccoy on Discord if he could go have a look at it. Dave and I have become good friends through our work together with @newbieresteemday, and in the process, Brian has become important to him as well. Of course Dave did that, left a beautiful message, and resteemed it as well. For that I am beyond appreciative.
davemccoy (56) 路 20 hours ago
This is so special... You have the bonds that are beautiful and I am happy to see such real love.. I am very happy that you two are together and spending every day trying to enjoy all that life has to offer. I am sorry that you have your bad days, and there is not much more I can say. The only thing I know is you two have the deepest love I've ever seen.
I hope tomorrow is a beautiful day for you and Lynn! I hope God gives you a big smile to enjoy your day with your lovely lady!
Following that, a beautiful message from @yogajill, who I only recently met and look forward to getting to know:
[-]yogajill (47) 路 20 hours ago
馃枻 Beautiful. I feel the passion. I feel the love. I adore the ode to raven. May blessing be upon you both.
And then from @carlgnash, who neither of us know, but it is now my intention to drastically change that fact, after this lovely message:
[-]carlgnash (59) 路 17 hours ago
Thanks for resteeming @davemccoy. This is one of the most powerful reads I have experienced yet on Steem blockchain. @briancourteau you have me sobbing and I am sure you are sick and tired of people saying they are sorry so let me say I am happy you have a wonderful woman to love, and who loves you. Let me say I am happy you have chosen to fight and to fight in this particular manner, to spend your energy immortalizing your love on the blockchain, and I am happy I have read your words because they make the love in me for my wife and my kids and my friends and the world around me grow stronger; they make my appreciation for my life grow deeper; and also because I have also long talked to ravens. I love you - Carl
There are so many amazing messages from people that I know and really appreciate like @beeyou, @galenkp, @magicalmoonlight, @deliberator, @coolguy123, @smylie2005 and messages from those I don't know well enough, but intend on learning more about, like @gracefavour, @randomwanderings, @deborism and @mellowfellow.
And to top it off, Brian's post was met with a lovely upvote from @curie! I had to explain the significance of that, but he was over the moon with it all:) He was genuinely smiling, and for that I am appreciative!
Here's the thing: I'm not here to name-drop, although this is a post about appreciating people. My point is that I don't know many of those who responded and Brian has a relationship with even fewer of them, yet these people went out of their way to not only comment, but to send love, encouragement and support to a virtual stranger and THAT is what I'm so appreciative of. If any of you could see the smile on Brian's face this morning when he saw his post, and the tears that welled up in his eyes when he read your words out loud to me, you would smile and tear up as well.
Like I said to @smylie2005 on her comment to Brian,
we are both so lucky to have found each other and to have had this experience, even if it seems like it's not for long enough. We know that there's a lot of people in life who never get to experience something like this; and that saddens me for sure. I know that when the time comes, and I'm alone, I really won't be alone. I know that Brian will be whispering in my ear every chance that he gets, whether it takes the form of a raven swooping down on me, or a gentle breeze on my face...he'll be there, and that knowledge will give me solace.
The other thing that will bring me solace is all of you. I have learned, through your kindness with Brian and I, that I can trust you, I can trust that my words and Brian's are landing in safe hands, and I can trust that you will be here for me when the time comes when I am alone. I also know these thoughts bring Brian solace too.
And for that I am truly appreciative.

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