You love goulash but don't want to eat meat anymore?
Then try out this potatoe goulash!
This is my first time I cook this vegan/vegetarian meal so at the end I would give you some tips what I would change next time!
But let's get started. First as usually the used ingredients:
- 1.5 kg potatoes
- olive oil
- 2 medium size onions
- 2 gloves of garlic
- 2 carrots
- 2 paprikas
- 2-3 teaspoonspaprika powder (sweet)
- chilli
- 1 l selfmade vegetable stock
- 3 tablespoons tomatoe paste
- gherkins
- chive
- pepper
- salt
Start with peeling the potatoes. This can take quite a while when you are working alone like me yesterday^^ I mean, 1.5 kg seems not so much but when you start peeling them it is quite a lot of work. It took me around 20-30 minutes. Or maybe I am just to slow. Anyway, when this is done cut all the peeled potatoes in small cubes and let them fry in a pan for around 4 minutes. While that chop all the other vegetables, paprika, onions, carrot and garlic also in small cubes and add them to the potatoes in the frying pan. Let them fry for another 3-4 minutes.

Afterwards add the chilli, the paprika powder and the tomatoe paste. Mix it and fill it up with so much vegetable tock that the stock will hardly cover all the vegetables. Flavour it with a bit of salt and pepper. But be aware of the fact, that the vegetable stock is already salty. Caution! Let the goulash cook for around 15 minutes until the potatoes are tender.

And we are almost finish! Just try your goulash and at some flour to it if needed. Cut some gherkins in long stripes and garnish your potatoe goulash with it. Out some chive on top and READY!
- I would either put less potatoes in it or add some more vegetables next time!
- I will try out to put some tofu in it next time. Think it will fit fine! 😉
- I needed around 800 ml of vegetable stock but also depends on how liquid you want to have it
- If you don't like tomatoe paste like me you can cut it out. Tastes also fine without it! And I think it is even healthier that way 😉
The only thing left is to wish you a Bon Appétit!!! And...
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