Detoxification of the organism : Day 1 [Week One of Six Week Health]

Hello my dear friends of this community, today I join the challenge initiated @healthsquared on health and diet.
The month of December as we all know is a month of many dishes, and sweets, then I want to start with some cleansing juices to detoxify the body of toxins.

Choose the juice that best suits your needs and combine it with an exercise routine and a healthy diet to take advantage of all its benefits. Remember to take it on an empty stomach to enhance its effects.

Citrus juice
This juice is detoxifying and depurative. It is perfect to combat fluid retention and reduce waist and abdomen measurements, it is also diuretic. It also provides vitamins A, B and C as well as minerals such as potassium, iron, calcium and magnesium. You should drink daily for a month. The ingredients and the preparation of this juice are very simple. Needed:

Juice of 1 grapefruit.
2 spinach leaves
Juice of 3 oranges.
1 cup of papaya, chopped into squares.
1 slice or slice of pineapple
Finally, all the ingredients are liquefied together and the juice is drunk instantly.

Green juice.
The green juice is very good to detoxify and purify, in addition to being a diuretic. It contains vitamins A and C and large amounts of fiber, making it ideal for our digestive system. Like the previous ones, this juice should be taken daily for a month, preferably in the mornings. Ingredients to prepare it:

1 cup chopped pineapple
1 cucumber
2 stalks of celery.
1 tablespoon of honey
To prepare it, you need a food processor. Put all the fruits and vegetables in it until you get the juice. Later it is mixed with honey. If you do not have a processor, you can use a blender. If so, you must ensure that the ingredients are well blended. It sneaks in and is served instantly.

Red juice

This type of juice contains many antioxidants, which help delay the aging process. It also has tannins, potassium, magnesium, sodium and calcium. All of them are very important to have good health. It should be taken daily in the morning. The ingredients to make the red juice are:

Juice of 2 lemons.
1 tablespoon of honey
6 strawberries.
2 slices or pineapple slices.
1 cup of chopped grapes
Place the fruit in a food processor or, failing that, a blender until all are well mixed. Then combine with the lemon juice and add the spoonful of honey.

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