Strengthen your bones with a plate of fish and mango Ceviche: Day 3 [Week one of six weeks health]

Hello my dear friends, in today's challenge of a healthy recipe, I present this ceviche.There are as many versions of ceviche as hands that prepare it and all very valid depending on taste.

This ceviche in particular has nutritious elements dedicated to the health and strengthening of the bones for its ingredients, in addition to other nutritional elements and to be low in calories.

Ceviche can be prepared with many different types of fish, and seafood and if you are a vegetarian there is also a lot of variety. What characterizes the ceviche is that the main ingredient is "cooked" in pure lemon juice. If you are a vegetarian you can skip the fish and it is an excellent dish.

Fish in short has benefits that are due to having good quality proteins, minerals such as iron, zinc and fatty acids such as Omega 3, among other nutrients. The specialists pointed out that in children fish helps their good development and growth, besides strengthening their immune system and bones because of their high content of vitamin D, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium.

Benefits of mango: A low consumption of vitamin K has been associated with an increased risk of bone fracture. Therefore, the adequate consumption of vitamin K, also present in the mango, is important to improve the absorption of calcium essential for our bones. In addition to other benefits due to its high content of minerals and vitamins, antioxidants and other substances that prevent cancer .

The lemon can not miss in the ceviche; Lemon is a fruit used for different therapeutic purposes, among which we can mention treating overweight, dyslipidemia, liver disease, etc. In addition to these medicinal properties, it is also known that the consumption of lemon acts favorably on bone health.


Makes 2 people

1 Whitefish fillet (whichever you want) about 2 pounds

½ cup of Lemon juice

¼ cup of freshly squeezed Orange juice.

½ Handle

2 Tomatoes

1 Jalapeño

1 Medium White Onion

1 Coriander mallet

Salt and pepper

if you want you can add shrimp (it is optional)


SHORT with a sharp knife and on a flat surface the fillet of FISH in small pieces of ½ inch and place it in a glass dish.

ROCIO the fish and the shrimps with the juice of lemon and the one of orange, It covers with paper film and to let rest in the refrigerator at least 30 minutes or more time if you want more cooked the fish, I leave it at least 4 hours, because I like it well cooked. Stir it from time to time so everything is cooked. During the marinating process the fish will change from transparent to opaque white.

WASH and SHAKE the tomatoes in very small cubes, discard the seeds.

PICA the coriander very small.

CUT the handle in small squares.

PICA the jalapeño with the help of the mandolin.

COMBINE the onion, tomato, cilantro, mango and jalapeño in a separate glass bowl.

INCORPORATE this mixture with the fish stir well and salt-pepper to taste.

SHORT the onion into small pieces

SHORT the handle in boxes.

SERVE in glasses with everything and its juice, accompanied by patacones or toast or any kind of chip, or even crackers


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