~ WEEK ONE ~Six Week Health ~Detox your body with this healthy & delicious GREEN SMOOTHIE ~

Good day everybody! 

This is my entry for the Six Week Health Challenge #sixweekhealth hosted by @healthsquared 

So, in this first week I'm supposed to cook a healthy recipe for me and for you as well. This way, we encorage one another to take care of our health.  Thanks @healtsquared for this idea and for motivating us!


This morning I started my day with this healthy green smoothie and I want to share the recipe with you. My cooking was very short!! I believe smoothies are one of the most "super & amazing" categories of food that exist. WHY??? Because they are raw ( if you choose it to be), they are FULL OF NUTRIENTS (you get fiber, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants,) that means HEALTHYYYYYY, they taste good REALLY GOOD, it only takes 5 minutes to do it, you can have 1000 different smoothies with 1000 different flavours, you can have many textures and different consistency depending of what kind of foods are in it.....[like let's se.... nuts, fruits, vegetables, leafy greens, powders such maca, chlorella, spirulina, acai, green tea, turmeric, ginger, etc etc, coconut, almonds, seeds, chia seeds, honey, dates, figs, strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, avocado, juices, and.....if I continue to write down all you can put in the smoothies I wont finish my article until 24 january when it will be to late to submit for this challenge.

ALSO you dont get bored doing them cause you have a lot of recipes and imagination!! AND THE KIDS LOVE THEM too if they are mostly fruits so you can take advantage of this.

What else? Hmmmmm......... You can have this as breakfast, dessert, a snack, your post workout snack, your pre workout snack......(you can also leave a comment to say why do you love smoothies). I said why and I hope I made myself clear!!  ❤  ❤  ❤  ❤  ❤ I REALLY LOVE SMOOTHIES!!  ❤  ❤  ❤   ❤  ❤ 


Ok, back to the recipe kids!! If you didnt quit reading my post yet. Here it is: 

- 1 cup water

- 6 large spinach leaves ( a bunch of them)

- 1 slice lemon

- 1 small cucumber

- a slice of avocado

- one slice of ginger 

- 1/2 banana

- 1/2 pear

Just blend everything and look at this pictures below to see the result!!! 

I put some hemp seeds for the photos to look good and savory (which I finished eating them) but you dont have to do this. I thought I might have a chance to make you try this recipe haha :p.




I choose this smoothie because it contain the whole package. I mean... the avocado it's a source of a healthy fat, you have the spinach that contains a lot of vitamins, fiber and chlorophyll, lemon (you must always use spinach with lemon because the spinach contains also oxalates and the lemon neutralizes these oxalates. you can read about this on the internet), you have the fruits which are also a source of vitamins, also fiber. The ginger it's just magnificent, it has a loooot of nutritious values and what else? All the ingredients are healthy and beneficial for your health's body, so thats why i dit it! Hope you try this too!  It tastes very good, I promise you :) (:


This is where I say take care of you and try to stay on the healthy side!!

Cheers, Miss Deli

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