Hello there, I’m a Slothicornian Historian. Today I’m going to chronicle the first days of the Slothicorn, so future readers can see how that mighty platform began, as well as know who was involved in that once humble project.

If you wish to know about the project’s history, what it is, what it was and what is aims to be, then this post is for you. If, on the other hand, you want to know about our vision for the world, or about the first posts our blog wrote, then this post is for you as well.
So, blow off the dust from these pages and find out how deep the rabbit hole goes.

The Birth of a Legend: Enter the Slothicorn
There was a legendary Italian chef who spent his life in a cave, honing his skills all day, every day. This chef, 50 years after first venturing into the cave, came out and baked the World’s most delicious Pizza ever.
On top of its sublime crust, a mystical creature was born… this was the birth of the Slothicorn.
It slowly moved its head and mouth, as if to speak, and a post was magically created:
There was a purpose behind that apparently random event, as nothing in this world happens without reason, and this magical creature has been prophecied to bring change.

The White Paper: Following the True Path
The creature has a special philosophy, a new path that breaks with the traditional world, who is far too greedy, corrupt and centralized for the pure Slothicorn.
The slothicorns slaved away registering everything the true path holds, and so the Slothicorn Off-Whitepaper was born.
Slothicorn believes Humanity is all about creativity, prosperity and collaboration. Gone are the days in which humans had to perform the dull jobs or menial tasks, we are starting to have robots for that.
The arrival of the cryptocurrency phenomenon marks the start of a Golden Age. As Utopian.io serves developers, Slothicorn serves the creative minds, who can contribute art to the CC Collective.
What is Crypto Art?
One of the things that help define this movement, is that it aims to create contributions of Crypto Currency Related Art. Those contributions who add value to the “We” economy and protected with a CC By 4.0 License, are shared and rewarded.
You may think that Crypto Currency art is a small niche, but you are wrong. There are over 1300 Crypto Currencies out there, and there's little to no proper art on the majority of those.
So, creating crypto currency related art will fill in a gap on this emerging new world, and the works can be related to crypto currencies, blockchain and so on. This helps to promote artists, as well as bring cryptocurrency to the world.
Slothicorn believes CC and Open Source are the future, and this is community is one of the best ways to empower artists to be free from the shackles of their everyday employers who force them to pump out art like if it was an easy product to make.
As an example of how these rewards will work, if someone creates crypto art based on Monero, they can add their crypto wallets at the bottom of their contribution to get rewarded in case someone wants to tip the author. The best contributions will also be met with generous upvotes from the @slothicorn account.

A Note on Submissions: Don’t Milk the System
The fact that rewards are in the mix attracts unwanted attention, and so if you are not an artist but think you can jump on Paint or Photoshop to submit some crappy art and get rewarded for it, well don’t do it.
In this community, upvotes are only for those who deserve it, put effort into it, have their craft honed and not everyone gets rewarded. On the other hand, submissions can be and will be rejected if they don’t pass their evaluation phase.
Some Rules to Have in Mind:
If you’re part of the community, you can make 7 submissions per week, which is the equivalent of one per day but giving you the freedom to submit more in some days and less in others – the community doesn’t want to control your inspiration.
On the other hand, for those who repost art or use it without the proper attributions, know that you will get no rewards and enter @cheetah’s infamous blacklist.

About the CC By 4.0 License: Here are its Rules
With this license, you are free to share and adapt the work. If you do this, provide credit and link the license. You can't suggest the original author endorses you in any way if that isn't the case.
Finally, if you modified the work, do credit the original work all the same.
Read more about this Creative Commons license here:

The Slothicorn Art Contest: And So Artists Worked United
The slothicorn was and is all about creativity, and rewarding artists is a second nature of that mystical creature. Having that in mind, it created the first Slothicorn Art Contest, and here it is:
The contest was a success with entries from accross the globe, all trying to win a great “Crypto Survival Kit” alongside a “Tiny Book full of Winning Slothicorn Entries”.

There were even examples given to inspire the creative minds who were eager to take a shot at this challenge. These examples were, of course, Licensed under CC By 4.0.
The contest ended on the 23rd of December, and its winner was a Steemian who dared to think outside the box, giving the Slothicorn a bold look, truly showing how creative some minds can be. That winner was… you better check it out:

A Logo Worthy of a Tale: Enter @Fluffywiggle
Let me tell you the tale of how the Slothicorn logo came to be, and how @fluffywiggle returned to Steemit. A crypto entrepreneur, she was once one Steemit but didn’t find enough traction.
@Fluffywiggle had a lot of success with her crypto sticker store, but didn’t accept Steem Payments. However, she believed in the power and decentralization and was willing to change the rules. She even accepted to give Steemit another try.
Slothicorn delegated 1000 SP to her as a way to jumpstart her art on this platform we hope she calls home. As a way to thank the upvotes, she offered up some stickers and later the use of her own art as the logo we know now.
This is the power of the “Gift Economy”. If you want to take a look at how this story went in more detail, here’s the post:

Hunting for Giphy Contributors: Are YOU a Gif Maker?
Slothicorn is still on a hunt for .gif creators for their own Giphy channel. As the Crypto Art grows, GIFs are heavilly needed so if you are a GIF maker, consider sending some of your work their way, as they’ll surely appreciate it.
If you want to know more about this Giphy project branch, then you better take a look at this post:
My work as a Slothicorn Historian is never done, and I’m sure I will still write a lot of books about this community. However, I’m still not done with this one as I still need to give you some pointers on other books to read (ahem... other posts you may find useful).
@Stellabelle: The Goddess of Slothicorn
Of course no proper study would be complete without mentioning the great Slothicorn Goddess @stellabelle. She gave birth to our magical world of Slothicorn, and is a prophetess of "The Gift Economy". Stella is one of the originals on Steem, and a force to be reckoned with.
More than a writer, crypto entrepreneur and a lover of beautiful things, she aims to make a difference and to show everyone the power of cooperation rather than competition. Many can attest to her generosity and selflessness.

Visit her Steemit Blog and give her a follow: @stellabelle
There is currently a block-chain based RPG under development by @rubenalexander, and another out of this world game being developed by @justatouchfey. Make sure to join our Chat Server if you'd like to get in on the action! We are currently seeking Developers, Artists, Bloggers, and all types of Creatives to help bring this to fruition.
- Slothicorn has just been born on a slice of Pizza
- Slothicorn Off-Whitepaper Preview
- Rules for Submitting a Post to Slothicorn
- Creative Commons CC By 4.0 License Info
- twitter.com/iamslothicorn
- Slothicorn Discord Chat Server